Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 11

their applause and praise and neglect the real intention, which is to know and please the Master of the Worlds. Sufyan ath-Thawri v said, “I have not treated anything more difficult than my intention, because it keeps changing.” Yusuf ibn Asbat v said,  “Purifying the intention from its corruption is harder upon the workers, than long striving ( in their work).” The question I ask myself is, “How do I set my intentions correct?” and then I think of the following points. 1. Who is the Most Important being in my life ? and I could only think of Allah I. 2. What is the most important desire in my life? and I could only think of His Vision. 3. What is the most important achievement in my life? and I could only think of Paradise. 4. Who is the one I will like to be with on the Day of Judgment? and I could only think of the beloved of Allah e. These few answers help me to have the correct picture in my heart of what my intention is.