Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 109

Q-2 Whenever my children do something good I praise them. I have noticed that this sometimes creates jealousy between them. Should I not praise the child who has done a good job? A- One thing which a lot of parents do, is to praise one child in front of another. If one of them is hardworking and the other is not, then what do we say? ‘You know your brother is so hardworking’ or ‘MashaAllah, you did such a good job!’ while the other child is sitting there feeling inferior. We think Q-3 How do I deal with non-muslim friends or teachers of my children? My son said to his teacher that, ‘Oh you know we don’t do this, and you do this because you are Christians and we are Muslims.’ The teacher became quite offended. A- We have to create a balance in the understanding of our children. First teach them that we have to respect everyone. Whether someone is a Christian, Jew, Hindu, we have to respect them. Relate to them the hadith of the Prophet  that do not call anyone’s religion or culture bad, because in Q- 4 Am I allowed to lie to my child &V