Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 108

Q&A’about Parenting s Answered by A’alimah Nadia Sadiq Interviewed by Sania Qureshi Child rearing can be extremely challenging and all of us, at one time or another have been faced with a situation where we just do not know how to respond. Parenthood is a trust given to us by Allah and as parents it is our responsibility to make sure that we are rearing children who are an asset to our ummah. I sat down with ‘Aalimah Nadia Sadiq and asked her to share her advice about some of the questions asked by concerned parents. Q-1 There was a stray cat that used to come to our house periodically, and my kids had adopted it. It recently passed away and the children are heartbroken. I did not realise how affected they were by this and I am not sure about how to handle this situation. Initially I had hoped that they would forget about it, so I sort of ignored it, and tried not to make a big deal about it. Now I am wondering if maybe it would be better if I talked to them about death. The kids are between the ages of five and eleven and I needed your advice? A- Children need to be given due respect according to their age and values. This pet was of importance to them so it is good to share their sorrow with them. The brother of Anas ibn Malik  had a pet bird. Whenever the Prophet  would meet this child he would ask him how the bird was doing? This is the Prophet ,who had better things to talk about, but No! He  was asking about the bird because this was important to the child. The hadith then goes on to say that the bird died. The Prophet  went to the house of this child to offer his condolences. This is the Prophet of Allah . This is the importance because he knows that for the child the bird means a lot. He visited the child and mourned with him. SubhanAllah! How many times do we think about that, when our kids lose something. ‘Come on, it is just a car, forget about it.’ Share their sorrows. Go and sit with them, hug them,’ I am so sorry. Your toy broke and I feel for you.’ Then they will also share your sorrows when they get older.