Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 104

To Makkah Mukarramah We drove to Makkah from Madinah. When we got there, it was time for Isha prayer. We went to the hotel and then my dad and brothers left for umraah. It was late when they came back, then at eleven-thirty, my mother and I left for umrah. First we did tawaf around the Kabah. It looked so big and powerful. It was a really wonderful feeling. Even the birds were doing tawaf. After that we went to Safa and Marwa. The distance was very long for my tiny legs. But I loved it anyway. I was thinking of Hazrat Hajar u and how she had to run over lots of rocks , right under the burning sun, and how we are complaining when we have marble floors and air conditioners and a roof over our heads. After that we spent some time at the Kabah for half an hour, it was not crowded at all. As we s BF