NIrV, The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV, The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids, Sampler | Page 6

NIrV The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids Mark 3 – 4 T hom­as, a nd ­James, son of Al­phae­us. A nd t ­ here were Thad­dae­us a nd Si­mon the Zeal­ot. Ju­das Is­car­i­ot was one of them too. He was the one who was lat­er go­ing to hand ­Jesus over to his en­e­mies. Jesus Is Accused by Teachers of the Law J MARK 3:20–30 esus en­tered a h ­ ouse. ­Again a c ­ rowd gath­ered. It was so l ­ arge that ­Jesus and his dis­ci­ples were not even able to eat. His fam­i­ly ­heard a ­ bout this. So they went to take c ­ harge of him. They said, “He is out of his mind.” Some teach­ers of the law were t ­ here. They had come down from Je­ru­sa­lem. They said, “He is con­trolled by Be­el­ze­bul! He is driv­ing out de­mons by the pow­er of the ­prince of de­mons.” So ­Jesus ­called them over to him. He be­gan to ­speak to them us­ing sto­ries. He said, “How can Sa­tan ­drive out Sa­tan? If a king­dom f ­ ights a ­ gainst it­self, it c ­ an’t ­stand. If a fam­i­ly is di­vid­ed, it can’t s ­ tand. And if Sa­tan f ­ ights a ­ gainst him­self, and his help­ers are di­vid­ed, he c ­ an’t ­stand. That ­ an’s ­house un­less you tie him up f ­ irst. is the end of him. In fact, none of you can en­ter a s ­ trong m Then you can s ­ teal t ­ hings from his h ­ ouse. What I’m a ­ bout to tell you is true. Ev­ery­one’s sins and evil ­words a ­ gainst God will be for­giv­en. But who­ev­er s ­ peaks evil t ­ hings a ­ gainst the Holy Spir­it will nev­er be for­giv­en. ­Their ­guilt will last for­ev­er.” Jesus said this be­cause the teach­ers of the law were say­ing, “He has an evil spir­it.” Jesus’ Mother and Brothers J MARK 3:31–35 esus’ moth­er and broth­ers came and ­stood out­side. They sent some­one in to get him. A crowd was sit­ting ­around ­Jesus. They told him, “Your moth­er and your broth­ers are out­side. They are look­ing for you.” “Who is my moth­er? Who are my broth­ers?” he ­asked. Then ­Jesus l ­ ooked at the peo­ple sit­ting in a cir­cle a ­ round him. He said, “Here is my moth­er! Here are my broth­ers! Any­one who does what God ­wants is my broth­er or sis­ter or moth­er.” The Story of the Farmer A MARK 4:1–20 gain ­Jesus be­gan to ­teach by the Sea of Gal­i­lee. The ­crowd that gath­ered ­around him was very ­large. So he got into a boat. He sat down in it out on the lake. All the peo­ple were a ­ long the s ­ hore at the wa­ter’s edge. He t ­ aught them many t ­ hings us­ing sto­ries. In his teach­ing he said, “Lis­ten! A farm­er went out to p ­ lant his seed. He scat­tered the seed on the ground. Some fell on a path. B ­ irds came and ate it up. Some seed fell on r ­ ocky plac­es, ­where there ­wasn’t much soil. The p ­ lants came up quick­ly, be­cause the soil ­wasn’t deep. When the sun came up, it b ­ urned the p ­ lants. They d ­ ried up be­cause they had no r ­ oots. Oth­er seed fell a ­ mong thorns. The t ­ horns grew up and crowd­ed out the p ­ lants. So the p ­ lants did not bear g ­ rain. S ­ till oth­er seed fell on good soil. It grew up and pro­duced a crop 30, 60, or even 100 t ­ imes more than the farm­er plant­ed.” Then ­Jesus said, “Who­ev­er has ears ­should lis­ten.” Lat­er ­Jesus was a ­ lone. The 12 dis­ci­ples a ­ sked him a ­ bout the sto­ries. So did the oth­ers ­around ­ od’s king­dom has been giv­en to you. But to out­sid­ers ev­ery­ him. He told them, “The se­cret of G thing is told us­ing sto­ries. In that way, “ ‘They will see but never know what they are seeing. They will hear but never understand. Otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’ ”  (Isaiah 6:9,10) 1253