NIrV, The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV, The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids, Sampler | Page 3

Mark 1 NIrV The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit MARK 1:21–28 J esus and ­those with him went to Ca­per­na­um. When the Sab­bath day came, he went into the syn­a g ­ ogue. ­There he be­gan to ­teach. The peo­ple were ­amazed at his teach­ing. ­That’s be­cause he t ­ aught them like one who had au­thor­i­ty. He did not talk like the teach­ers of the law. Just then a man in t ­ heir syn­a­gogue c ­ ried out. He was con­trolled by an evil spir­it. He said, “What do you want with us, ­Jesus of Naz­a­reth? Have you come to de­stroy us? I know who you are. You are the Holy One of God!” “Be qui­et!” said ­Jesus firm­ly. “Come out of him!” The evil spir­it s ­ hook the man wild­ly. Then it came out of him with a ­scream. All the peo­ple were ­amazed. So they ­asked each oth­er, “What is this? A new teach­ing! And with so much au­thor­i­ty! He even g ­ ives or­ders to evil spir­its, and they obey him.” News a ­ bout ­Jesus s ­ pread quick­ly all over Gal­i­lee. Jesus Heals Many People J MARK 1:29–34 esus and t ­ hose with him left the syn­ a­gogue. ­Right away they went with James and John to the home of Si­ mon and An­drew. Si­mon’s moth­er-in-law was ly­ing in bed with a fe­ver. They told Jesus a ­ bout her ­right away. So he went to her. He took her hand and h ­ elped her up. The fe­ver left her. Then she be­gan to ­serve them. That eve­ning af­ter sun­set, the peo­ple brought to J ­ esus all who were sick. They also b ­ rought all who were con­trolled by de­mons. All the peo­ple in town gath­ered at the door. ­Jesus h ­ ealed many of them. They had all ­kinds of sick­ness­es. He also drove out many de­mons. But he ­would not let the de­mons ­speak, be­cause they knew who he was. Jesus Heals Simon’s Mother-­in-­Law Jesus Prays in a Quiet Place I MARK 1:35–39 t was very ear­ly in the morn­ing and s ­ till dark. ­Jesus got up and left the h ­ ouse. He went to a ­ lone. ­There he p ­ rayed. Si­mon and his f ­ riends went to look for ­Jesus. ­ lace ­where he c ­ ould be a p When they ­found him, they ­called out, “Ev­ery­one is look­ing for you!” ­ reach t ­ here Jesus re­plied, “­Let’s go some­where else. I want to go to the near­by ­towns. I must p also. That is why I have come.” So he trav­eled all ­around Gal­i l ­ ee. He p ­ reached in ­their syn­a­ gogues. He also ­drove out de­mons. Jesus Heals a Man Who Had a Skin Disease A MARK 1:40–45 man who had a skin dis­ease came to ­Jesus. On his k ­ nees he ­begged ­Jesus. He said, “If you are will­ing to make me ‘­clean,’ you can do it.” Jesus be­came an­gry. He r ­ eached out his hand and t ­ ouched the man. “I am will­ing to do it,” ­Jesus said. “Be ‘­clean’!” ­Right away the dis­ease left the man, and he was “­clean.” 1250