NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible Sampler | Page 7

MARK 4 his ­house. 28  What I’m a ­ bout to tell you is true. Ev­ery­one’s sins and evil ­words against God will be for­giv­en. 29  But who­ ev­er ­speaks evil ­things a ­ gainst the Holy Spir­it will nev­er be for­giv­en. ­Their ­guilt will last for­ev­er.” 30  ­Jesus said this be­cause the teach­ers of the law were say­ing, “He has an evil spir­it.” JESUS’ MOTHER AND BROTHERS 31  ­ Jesus’ moth­er and broth­ers came and ­ stood out­ side. They sent some­ one in to get him. 32  A ­crowd was sit­ ting ­around ­Jesus. They told him, “Your moth­er and your broth­ers are out­side. They are look­ing for you.” 33  “Who is my moth­ er? Who are my broth­ers?” he ­asked. 34  Then ­ Jesus l ­ ooked at the peo­ ple sit­ting in a cir­cle ­around him. He said, “Here is my moth­er! Here are my broth­ers! 35  Any­one who does what God wants is my broth­er or sis­ter or moth­er.” THE STORY OF THE FARMER Again ­Jesus be­gan to t ­ each by the Sea of Gal­ i­ lee. The ­ crowd that gath­ ered ­ around him was very large. So he got into a boat. He sat down in it out on the lake. All the peo­ple were along the ­shore at the wa­ter’s edge. 2  He taught them many t ­ hings us­ ­ ing sto­ ries. In his teach­ing he said, 3  “Lis­ten! A farm­er went out to ­plant his seed. 4  He scat­tered the seed on the ­ground. Some fell on a path. B ­ irds came and ate it up. 5  Some seed fell on r ­ ocky plac­es, w ­ here there ­wasn’t much soil. The p ­ lants came up quick­ly, be­cause the soil ­wasn’t deep. 6  When the sun came up, it ­burned the plants. They ­dried up be­cause they had no ­roots. 7  Oth­er seed fell ­among ­thorns. The ­thorns grew up and crowd­ed out the ­plants. So the p ­ lants did not bear grain. 8  ­Still oth­er seed fell on good soil. It grew up and pro­duced a crop 30, 60, or even 100 ­times more than the farm­er plant­ed.” 9  Then ­Jesus said, “Who­ev­er has ears should lis­ten.” 10  Lat­er ­Jesus was ­alone. The 12 dis­ci­ ples ­asked him ­about the sto­ries. So did the oth­ers ­around him. 11  He told them, “The se­cret of ­God’s king­dom has been giv­en to you. But to out­sid­ers ev­ery­thing is told us­ing sto­ries. 12  In that way, 4 1235 “ ‘They will see but never know what they are seeing. They will hear but never understand. Otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’ ” (Isaiah 6:9,10) 13  Then ­ Jesus said to them, “­ Don’t you un­der­stand this sto­ry? Then how will you un­der­stand any sto­ries of this ­ lants is kind? 14  The seed the farm­er p God’s mes­sage. 15  What is seed scat­tered on a path like? The mes­sage is plant­ed. The peo­ple hear the mes­sage. Then Sa­ tan ­comes. He ­takes away the mes­sage that was plant­ed in them. 16  And what is seed scat­tered on r ­ ocky plac­es like? The peo­ple hear the mes­sage. At once they re­ceive it with joy. 17  But they have no ­roots. So they last only a ­short time. They quick­ly fall away from the f ­ aith when trou­ ble or suf­ fer­ ing c ­ omes be­ cause of the mes­sage. 18  And what is seed scat­tered a ­ mong t ­ horns like? The peo­ple hear the mes­sage. 19  But then the wor­ries of this life come to them. ­Wealth comes with its f ­ alse prom­is­es. The peo­ ple also long for oth­er ­things. All of ­these are the ­kinds of t ­ hings that c ­ rowd out the mes­sage. They keep it from pro­duc­ ing ­fruit. 20  And what is seed scat­tered on good soil like? The peo­ple hear the mes­sage. They ac­cept it. They pro­duce a good crop 30, 60, or even 100 t ­ imes more than the farm­er plant­ed.” A LAMP ON A STAND 21  ­Jesus said to them, “Do you b ­ ring in a lamp to put it un­der a l ­ arge bowl or a bed? ­Don’t you put it on its ­stand? 22  What is hid­den is m ­ eant to be seen. And what is put out of s ­ ight is m ­ eant to be ­brought out into the open. 23  Who­ ev­er has ears ­should lis­ten.” 24  “­Think care­ful­ly ­about what you hear,” he said. “As you give, so you will re­ceive. In fact, you will re­ceive even more. 25  Who­ev­er has some­thing will be giv­en more. Who­ev­er has noth­ing, even what they have will be tak­en away from them.” THE STORY OF THE GROWING SEED 26  ­Jesus also said, “Here is what ­God’s king­dom is like. A farm­er scat­ters seed Night and day the on the ­ ground. 27  ­