NIrV Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 9

Mark 5:14 l 1030
14 Those who were tend ing the pigs ran off . They told the peo ple in the town and countryside what had happened . The people went out to see for them selves . 15 Then they came to Jesus . They saw the man who had been con trolled by many de mons . He was sit ting there . He was now dressed and think ing clear ly . All this made the peo ple afraid . 16 Those who had seen it told them what had hap pened to the man . They told about the pigs as well . 17 Then the peo ple be gan to beg Jesus to leave their area .
18 Jesus was get ting into the boat . The man who had been con trolled by de mons begged to go with him . 19 Jesus did not let him . He said , “ Go home to your own peo ple . Tell them how much the Lord has done for you . Tell them how kind he has been to you .” 20 So the man went away . In the area known as the Ten Cit ies , he began to tell how much Jesus had done for him . And all the peo ple were amazed .
Jesus Heals a Dead Girl and a Suffering Woman
21 Jesus went across the Sea of Gal i lee in a boat . It land ed at the oth er side . There a large crowd gathered around him . 22 Then a man named Ja i rus came . He was a syna gogue lead er . When he saw Jesus , he fell at his feet . 23 He begged Jesus , “Please come . My lit tle daugh ter is dy ing . Place your hands on her to heal her . Then she will live .” 24 So Jesus went with him .
A large group of peo ple fol lowed . They crowded around him . 25 A wom an was there who had a sick ness that made her bleed . It had last ed for 12 years . 26 She had suf fered a great deal , even though she had gone to many doc tors . She had spent all the mon ey she had . But she was getting worse , not better . 27 Then she heard about Jesus . She came up be hind him in the crowd and touched his clothes . 28 She thought , “ I just need to touch his clothes . Then I will be healed .” 29 Right away her bleed ing stopped . She felt in her body that her suffering was over .
30 At once Jesus knew that pow er had gone out from him . He turned around in the crowd . He asked , “ Who touched my clothes ?”
31 “ You see the peo ple ,” his dis ci ples answered . “ They are crowd ing against you . And you still ask , ‘ Who touched me ?’ ”
32 But Jesus kept look ing around . He want ed to see who had touched him .
33 Then the wom an came and fell at his feet . She knew what had hap pened to her . She was shak ing with fear . But she told him the whole truth . 34 He said to her , “ Dear woman , your faith has healed you . Go in peace . You are free from your suffering .”
35 While Jesus was still speaking , some peo ple came from the house of Ja i rus . He was the syn a gogue lead er . “ Your daughter is dead ,” they said . “ Why both er the teacher anymore ?”
36 Jesus heard what they were saying . He told the syn a gogue lead er , “ Don ’ t be afraid . Just believe .”
37 He let only Pe ter , James , and John , the broth er of James , fol low him . 38 They came to the home of the syn a gogue leader . There Jesus saw a lot of confusion . People were crying and sobbing loudly . 39 He went in side . Then he said to them , “ Why all this con fu sion and sob bing ? The child is not dead . She is only sleep ing .” 40 But they laughed at him .
He made them all go out side . He took only the child ’ s fa ther and moth er and the dis ci ples who were with him . And he went in where the child was . 41 He took her by the hand . Then he said to her , “ Talitha koum !” This means , “ Lit tle girl , I say to you , get up !” 42 The girl was 12 years old . Right away she stood up and be gan to walk around . They were totally amazed at this . 43 Jesus gave strict or ders not to let any one know what had hap pened . And he told them to give her some thing to eat .
A Prophet Without Honor


Jesus left there and went to his hometown of Nazareth . His disciples went with him . 2 When the Sab bath day came , he be gan to teach in the syn a gogue . Many who heard him were amazed .
“ Where did this man get these things ?” they asked . “ What ’ s this wis dom that has been giv en to him ? What are these remarkable miracles he is doing ? 3 Isn ’ t this the car pen ter ? Isn ’ t this Mary ’ s son ? Isn ’ t this the brother of James , Joseph , Judas and Si mon ? Aren ’ t his sis ters here with us ?” They were not pleased with him at all .
4 Jesus said to them , “ A proph et is honored ev ery where ex cept in his own town . He doesn ’ t re ceive any hon or among his rel a tives or in his own home .” 5 Jesus placed his hands on a few sick peo ple and