NIrV Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 4

John the Baptist Prepares the Way


This is the be gin ning of the good news about Jesus the Mes si ah , the Son of
God . 2 Long ago Isa iah the proph et wrote ,
“ I will send my messenger ahead of you .
He will prepare your way .” ( Malachi 3:1 )
3 “ A messenger is calling out in the desert ,
‘ Prepare the way for the Lord . Make straight paths for him .’ ”
( Isaiah 40:3 )
4 And so John the Bap tist ap peared in the des ert . He preached that peo ple should be bap tized and turn away from their sins . Then God would for give them . 5 All the peo ple from the coun try side of Judea went out to him . All the peo ple from Jerusalem went too . When they admitted they had sinned , John bap tized them in the Jordan River . 6 John wore clothes made out of cam el ’ s hair . He had a leath er belt around his waist . And he ate lo custs and wild honey . 7 Here is what John was preach ing . “ Af ter me , there is some one com ing who is more pow er ful than I am . I ’ m not good enough to bend down and untie his sandals . 8 I bap tize you with water . But he will bap tize you with the Holy Spirit .”
Jesus Is Baptized and Tempted
9 At that time Jesus came from Naz a­ reth in Gal i lee . John bap tized Jesus in the Jordan River . 10 Jesus was com ing up out of the wa ter . Just then he saw heav en being torn open . Jesus saw the Holy Spir it com ing down on him like a dove . 11 A voice spoke to him from heav en . It said , “ You are my Son , and I love you . I am very pleased with you .”
12 At once the Holy Spir it sent Jesus out into the des ert . 13 He was in the des ert 40 days . There Satan tempted him . The wild animals didn ’ t harm Jesus . Angels took care of him .
Jesus Preaches the Good News
14 After John was put in prison , Jesus went into Gal i lee . He preached the good news of God . 15 “ The time has come ,” he said . “ The king dom of God has come near . Turn away from your sins and be lieve the good news !”
Jesus Chooses His First Disciples
16 One day Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Gal i lee . There he saw Si mon and his brother Andrew . They were throwing a net into the lake . They were fish er men . 17 “ Come and fol low me ,” Jesus said . “ I will send you out to fish for peo ple .” 18 At once they left their nets and fol lowed him .
19 Then Jesus walked a little farther . As he did , he saw James , the son of Zeb e dee , and his broth er John . They were in a boat preparing their nets . 20 Right away he called out to them . They left their fa ther Zeb e dee in the boat with the hired men . Then they followed Jesus .
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit
21 Jesus and those with him went to Caper na um . When the Sab bath day came , he went into the syn a gogue . There he began to teach . 22 The people were amazed at his teach ing . That ’ s be cause he taught them like one who had au thor i ty . He did not talk like the teach ers of the law . 23 Just then a man in their syn a gogue cried out . He was con trolled by an evil spir it . He said , 24 “ What do you want with us , Jesus of Naz a reth ? Have you come to de stroy us ? I know who you are . You are the Holy One of God !”
25 “ Be qui et !” said Jesus firm ly . “ Come out of him !” 26 The evil spir it shook the man wild ly . Then it came out of him with a scream .
27 All the peo ple were amazed . So they asked each oth er , “ What is this ? A new teaching ! And with so much authority ! He even gives or ders to evil spir its , and they obey him .” 28 News about Jesus spread quickly all over Galilee .