NIrV Adventure Bible, Polar Exploration Edition NIrV Adventure Bible: Polar Edition - Sampler | Page 6

1209 a ­ sked each oth­er, “What is this? A new teach­i ng! And with so much au­t hor­i­t y! He even g ­ ives or­ders to evil spir­its, and they obey him.” 28  News ­about ­Jesus spread quick­ly all over Gal­i­lee. Jesus Heals Many People 29  ­Jesus and ­t hose with him left the syn­a­gogue. ­R ight away they went with James and John to the home of Si­mon and An­d rew. 30  Si­mon’s moth­er-in-law was ly­i ng in bed with a fe­ver. They told Jesus a ­ bout her r ­ ight away. 31  So he went to her. He took her hand and ­helped her up. The fe­ver left her. Then she be­gan to serve them. 32  That eve­n ing af­ter sun­set, the peo­ ple ­brought to ­Jesus all who were sick. They also ­brought all who were con­ trolled by de­m ons. 33  All the peo­p le in town gath­ered at the door. 34  ­Jesus healed many of them. They had all k ­ inds of sick­ness­es. He also ­d rove out many de­mons. But he w ­ ould not let the de­mons speak, be­cause they knew who he was. Jesus Prays in a Quiet Place 35  It was very ear­ly in the morn­i ng and s ­ till dark. ­Jesus got up and left the ­house. He went to a p ­ lace ­where he ­could be alone. ­T here he ­prayed. 36  Si­mon and his f riends went to look for J ­ esus. 37  When they f ­ ound him, they c ­ alled out, “Ev­ery­ one is look­ing for you!” 38  ­Jesus re­plied, “­L et’s go some­where else. I want to go to the near­by ­towns. I must p ­ reach t ­ here also. That is why I have come.” 39  So he trav­eled all ­a round Mark 1 — 2 Gal ­i­l ee. He ­p reached in ­t heir syn­a ­ gogues. He also ­drove out de­mons. Jesus Heals a Man Who Had a Skin Disease 40  A man who had a skin dis­ease came to J ­ esus. On his k ­ nees he b ­ egged J ­ esus. He said, “If you are will­i ng to make me ‘­clean,’ you can do it.” 41  ­Jesus be­c ame an­g ry. He ­r eached out his hand and ­touched the man. “I am will­ing to do it,” ­Jesus said. “Be ‘­clean’!” 42  ­R ight away the dis­e ase left the man, and he was “­clean.” 43  ­Jesus sent him away at once. He gave the man a s ­ trong warn­ing. 44  “­Don’t tell this to any­one,” he said. “Go and show your­self to the ­priest. Of­fer the sac­ ri ­f ic­es that Mo­ses com ­mand­ed. It will be a wit­ness to the ­priest and the peo­ple that you are ‘­clean.’ ” 45  But the man went out and start­ed talk­ing ­r ight away. He spread the news to ev­ery­one. So ­Jesus could no lon­ger en­ter a town open­ly. He stayed out­side in lone­ly plac­es. But peo­ ple ­still came to him from ev­ery­where. Jesus Forgives and Heals a Man Who Could Not Walk 2 A few days lat­e r, ­Jesus en­tered Ca­p er ­n a­u m ­a gain. T he peo­p le heard that he had come home. 2  So many peo­ple gath­ered that ­there was no room left. T ­ here was not even room out­side the door. And J ­ esus p ­ reached the word to them. 3  Four of t ­ hose who came were car­r y­ing a man who ­could not walk. 4  But they c ­ ould not get him c ­ lose to J ­ esus be­ Fishing When Jesus was living on earth, fishermen in boats worked on the Sea of Galilee. The fish they caught in their nets were salted or dried and then sold all through the Holy Land. Jesus told his first disciples to fish for people instead of fish (Mark 1:16–18).