NIrV Adventure Bible, Polar Exploration Edition NIrV Adventure Bible: Polar Edition - Sampler | страница 2

Welcome to the great adventure of reading, exploring and discovering the Bible. Are you looking for adventure? Are you eager to discover God’s Word and apply it to your life? Then the NIrV Adventure Bible ® for Early Readers Polar Exploration Edition is especially for you. Each feature of the NIrV Adventure Bible ® for Early Readers is designed to introduce you to the wonderful messages and promises in God’s Word. Take a few minutes to read these explanations. Then you will know the best way to use the NIrV Adventure Bible ® for Early Readers. Features You Should Know About Words to Treasure Key verses throughout the Bible are highlighted as “Words to Treasure.” These verses are worth remembering. The best way to live 677 his Word Psalms — 25 for Jesus is to have in 23 your Anyone who does not trust in the heart. statue of Try a god. to Anyone who doesn’t use the name of that god when he makes a memorize these promise. Psalm 23:1 People like that will receive the The L is my verses from ’s blessing. L shepherd. He When God their Savior hands gives me down his sentence, “Words to it will be in everything I their favor. need. The people who look to God are like Treasure.” that. 5 ORD ORD 6 5 You prepare a feast for me right in front of my enemies. You pour oil on my head. My cup runs over. 6 I am sure that your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. 8 And I will live in the house of the L ORD that I have made human be ings.” 8 But forever. the L ORD was very pleased with Noah. God of Jacob, they look to you. Did You Know? 7 Open wide, you gates. Open up, you ancient doors. Then the King of glory will come in. 8 Who is the King of glory? The L ORD , who is strong and mighty. The L ORD , who is mighty in battle. 9 Open wide, you gates. Open wide, you ancient doors. Then the King of glory will come in. 10 Who is he, this King of glory? The L ORD who rules over all. He is the King of glory. This feature points out many of the interesting, small facts that are found in the Psalm 24 A psalm of David. Kno to w the ? L . And Bible. Learn them You belongs d i The earth D 500 years old, he so does in it. How long did everything it her of Shem, Ham all and wow your The belongs to him. And so take to world build do all those who live in it. the ark? Psalm 25 He set it firmly on the oceans. one on Earth parents, 6:3 He made it secure on the A psalm of teachers, David. o be many human waters. In you, L my God, I put my trust. arth. And daugh ters and with I trust friends in you. The sons of God Who can go up to the temple on the Don’t let me be put to shame. ers of human be ings mountain of the L ? hey mar ried any of Don’t let Bible my enemies win the battle Who can stand in his holy place? your Then the L said, over me. Anyone who has clean hands and a trug gle with human pure heart. Those who put their hope in you knowledge. y will have only 120 Noah and the Flood he ground.” 30 La- years af ter Noah so had oth er sons . 31 Lamech lived ears. And then he 1 ORD 24 That’s why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife. The two helps make these real-life characters of them be come one. Adam and his wife were both naked. They didn’t feel Exodus 1 — any 2 shame. 66 come alive for and their true stories slave drivers forced them to work with The Israelites Become Slaves you. might bricks and It mud. And they made be them do in Egypt all kinds of work in the fields. The Egyp- Here are the names of Is ra el’s chil- tians didn’t show them any pity at all. 1 Each dren who went to Egypt with Jacob. fun to try to They made them work very hard. one went with his fam i ly. There were two He brew wom en Jacob’s sons were Reu ben, Sim e on, imagine yourself named Shiph rah and Puah. They helped Levi, Ju dah, oth er wom en hav ing ba bies. The king of Eve Issa char, Zeb u lun, Ben jamin, spoke to them. He said, “You God Dan, did not want ant to be alone. He in Egypt their Naph ta Adam li, are the ones who situations. help the oth er He brew created a helper for Adam. Her name Gad and Ash er. wom en. Watch them when they get into was Eve. God made her from one of a sit ting position to have their ba bies. would you The ribs. total num ber Jacob’s chil- What Adam’s Adam and Eve of lived Kill the boys. Let the girls live.” But dren in and grand children together the Garden of Eden. was 70. Shiph rah and Puah had re spect for God. Joseph was al ready in Egypt. do? They didn’t do what the king of Egypt 25 15 2 3 16 4 5 17 6 Joseph and all his broth ers died. So did all their children. 7 The peo ple of Is ra el had many children. The num ber of them great ly increased. There were so many of them that they filled the land. 8 Then a new king came to pow er in Egypt. Joseph didn’t mean any thing to him. 9 “Look,” he said to his peo ple. “The Isra elites are far too many for us. 10 Come. We must deal with them care- ful ly. If we don’t, there will be even more of them. Then if war breaks out, they’ll join our ene mies. They’ll fight against us and leave the country.” 11 So the Egyptians put slave driv- ers over the peo ple of Is ra el. The slave drivers treat ed them bad ly and made them work hard. The Is ra elites built the cit ies of Pithom and Ram e ses so Phar- aoh could store things there. 12 But the worse the slave drivers treat ed the Isra- elites, the more Is ra elites there were. So the Egyptians be came afraid of them. 13 They made them work hard. They didn’t show them any pity. 14 The peo ple suf fered be cause of their hard la bor. The had told them to do. They let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt sent for the wom en. He asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The wom en answered Pharaoh, “He brew wom en are not like the wom- en of Egypt. They are strong. They have their ba bies be fore we get there.” 20 So God was kind to Shiph rah and Puah. And the num ber of Is ra elites be came even great er. 21 Shiph rah and Puah had re spect for God. So he gave them fam i lies of their own. 22 Then Pharaoh gave an order to all his peo ple. He said, “You must throw ev ery He brew baby boy into the Nile Riv- er. But let ev ery He brew baby girl live.” Life in Bible Times Do you ever wonder what it was like to live in the times of Abraham or Ruth or Jesus? What kind of food did they eat? Where did they sleep? What kind of work did they do? “Life in Bible Times” will tell you— Moses Is Born A man and a wom an from the tribe of Levi got mar ried. She be came and show you! Each 2 of these pregnant and had a son by her hus band. She saw that her baby was a fine child. exciting features includes a for picture. And she hid him three months. 2 3 After that, she couldn’t hide him any 11 Genesis 9 Moses’ Basket Boat God Makes a Covenant With Noah you in the ark. I am mak ing my cov enant The Noah Egyptians built with the birds, the livestock and all the Then God blessed and his sons. He said to them, chil- wild an i mals. I am mak ing it with all the boats “Have by tying dren so that there are together many of you. Fill of crea tures that came out of the ark with bundles the earth. 2 All the land an i mals will be you. In fact, I am mak ing it with ev ery dried (puh- liv ing thing on earth. 11 Here is my cov- afraid of you. All the birds in papyrus the sky will be afraid of you. Every crea ture that PIE-rus) reeds. The enant I am mak ing with you. The wa ters moves along the ground will be afraid of of a flood will nev er again destroy all reed basket life. A flood will nev er again destroy the you. So will ev ery fish papyrus in the seas. Every ing thing is put made under probably your con trol. that liv Moses’ mother looked earth.” 12 God con tin ued, “My cov enant is 3 Every thing that lives and moves about like will one be of food those boats. for you. I have al ready giv en be tween me and you and ev ery liv ing you the green plants for food. Now I am crea ture with you. It is a cov enant for all time to come. Here is the sign of the giv ing you ev ery thing. 4 “But you must not eat meat that cov enant I am mak ing. 13 I have put my still has blood in it. 5 I will cer tain ly rainbow in the clouds. It will be the sign hold some one ac count able if you are of the cov enant be tween me and the mur dered. I will even hold an i mals earth. 14 Some times when I bring clouds ac count able if they kill you. I will also over the earth, a rainbow will ap pear in hold any one ac count able who mur ders them. 15 Then I will remem ber my cov- enant be tween me and you and ev ery anoth er per son. kind of liv ing crea ture. The wa ters will 6 “Anyone who murders a human nev er again be come a flood to destroy being all life. 16 When the rainbow ap pears in will be killed by a human being. the clouds, I will see it. I will re mem ber That is because I have made human that my cov enant will last for ev er. It is a beings cov enant be tween me and ev ery kind of so that they are like me. liv ing crea ture on earth.” 17 So God said to Noah, “The rainbow 7 “Have children so that there will be many of you. Mul tiply and be come many is the sign of my cov enant. I have made my cov enant be tween me and all life on on the earth.” 8 Then God spoke to Noah and to his earth.” sons who were with him. He said, 9 “I am now mak ing my cov enant with you The Sons of Noah 18 The sons of Noah who came out of and with all your children who will be born af ter you. 10 I am mak ing it also the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. with ev ery liv ing crea ture that was with Ham was the father of Canaan. 19 The 9 Live It! It is important to read and memorize God’s Word. But what really counts is living it, letting the Bible affect how you work, play, and live. “Live It!” tells you what the Bible has to say about your life RIGHT NOW! Thank God Read Genesis 8:20–22; 9:12–17. When Noah and his family left the ark, they gave thanks to God. God was pleased. He put a rainbow in the sky. It was his promise that he would never again send a flood over the whole earth. Noah and his family were very thankful. Make a list of all the reasons you are thankful. Ask your family to help. GENESIS 8:20–22; 9:12–17 2 2 It took about 120 years. God waited until the ark ready before he sent ORD the flood. He wanted to save Noah and his family. 1 2 3 was ORD ORD 4 3 were on the earth in as when the sons of augh ters of human were born to them. famous he roes who i lim were also on the how bad the sins of had be come. They t evil things. 6 The d that he had made earth. His heart was he L ORD said, “I cre- but I will wipe them roy the an i mals, the d the crea tures that und. I am very sad 9 Here line. is the sto ry of Noah’s fam i ly What God Is Like People In Bible Times Noah was a god ly man. He was with- Psalm 23 says that God is like a shepherd. A shepherd out blame among the peo ple of his time. loves 10 and cares for his sheep. He watches them closely, He walked faith ful ly with God. Noah had three sons. Their names protects were Shem, Ham and Japheth. them from 11 The earth was very sin ful in God’s danger, and eyes. It was full of peo ple who did mean sure and harm ful things. 12 God makes saw how sin- ful the be come. All and its peo ple they earth have had enough to eat drink. were liv ing very sin ful lives. 13 So God that “I God said To to say Noah, am is go our ing shepherd to put an end means that he watches over and to ev ery one. They have filled the us earth with will their harm acts. I am for cer us. tain ly show us ful what is best go ing to destroy them and the earth. 14 So make your self an ark out of cypress The Bible is full of wonderful people. You are probably very familiar with some of their stories, but you may never have heard of others. “People in Bible Times” Noah’s Ark Noah built a wooden ark. It was a kind of boat. When Book Introductions You’ll find basic facts about a book of the Bible (who wrote it, where it took place, why it was written), at the beginning of each book. The book introduction will also give you a list of favorite Bible stories and teachings you can find in that Bible book.