Fun Q& A with Lauren Ashley Carter
Q: Name the director you would say yes to without seeing the script.
A: Oh! So many, but I'd have to say my boy David Lynch, if he could make a feature again, that would be awesome.
Q: Your biggest star-struck moment so far.
A: The Cohen Brothers! I did not have the balls to go up to them, but they were sitting at a table behind me. Just being in the same room with them was pretty intense for me.
Q: What TV Show would you most want to be a guest on right now?
A: Oh god this is hard! FUDGE! "Portlandia"
Q: Which Hitchcock film would you have liked to have been in?
A: "Suspicion"
Q: Your favorite bad horror film.
A: Monkeyshines. (she slow claps in regards to the sex scene).
Q: Cartoon Character you are most like?
A: I'm kinda a living cartoon character... um... Daria.
Q: Harry Potter or Twilight
A: Oh, Harry Potter!
Q: Elvis or The Beatles?
A: Elvis for my grandma.
Q: Which is scarier? Black Christmas or Don't Look Now.
A: Black Christmas for me.
Q: You get to star with Bette Davis, which do you choose, "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte or Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"
A: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Even though it is a long ass movie!
TA: (Lauren, actually begins singing... I've written a letter to daddy... in Bette Davis voice!) I'm scared!