"Nodbody Dies on the First Floor" Original water color by Jeannifer Marciella
The artist and her work.
Jeannifer Marciella
NA: The novel consists of four stories. Were there more to begin with?
TA: There were. Originally I had a total of nine stories outlined.
NA: What happened to the other five? Why did they get chopped. (pardon the pun.)
TA: It was just too much. I opted for quality over quanity. These four had a common theme, and it allowed me to focus on each one without feeling like I had to rush the story due to length. I just let each story tell itself and these four worked best.
NA: Does that mean we will be seeing another installment with the other five?
TA: Perhaps, but not anytime soon, as I'm currently writing a screenplay version of the novel.
Matilda Prays at bedtime. Pray she doesn't call your name. "If You Should Die Before I Wake"
NA: A movie? Since you're writing the screenplay are you staying faithful to your own book?
TA: It's funny you should ask that. Screenwriting is a completely different format. Immediately I found I was straying from book. Which was a nice surprise, because due to my letting the writing just flow, I happened upon a nice way to tie the stories together.
NA: When can we look forward to seeing MNE on the big screen?
TA: Don't hold your breath, lol. There's a lot involved going from screenplay to production. At the moment, I'm working the first draft, then, finding the right people, it all takes time. But in the meantime, you can sink your teeth into the book today. It's currently available in the iBookstore on iTunes and also on Amazon for the Kindle for only $0.99 (Less than a Starbucks)
NA: On my way to grab a copy now and look forward to the movie version of "Midnight Never Ends" Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us today!
TA: Thank you!