The camera is mounted to the headwall of the unit where your baby is located and should not be moved . If you feel the camera lens needs to be repositioned , call the NICView technical service number at the bottom of the viewing screen . The camera lens can be repositioned remotely .
If your baby has a blanket over his / her incubator to protect from ambient light , your view will be darkened .
If your baby is under phototherapy , the color will be distorted . The camera will be off-line when care is being provided for your baby .
How much does NICView cost ? The system is free to parents with babies in the NICU .
Who controls NICView ?
Healthcare professionals in the NICU remain in control of video streaming at all times , and can manually disable cameras during treatment .
What if I have technical trouble , need assistance logging in , or the camera needs to be adjusted ? NICView provides technical support 24 / 7 for family members . Please call 1-855-642-8439