Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 98

Super Low Cost Hydro 3 Wave Phase Matching, Phase dumping, MagnetoStriction etc • ->>cont: ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: Use both wave surge/web for power: • Mainstream group supported unique wave energy RO water desalination device or waterwheel power generator(Atmocean): works by high floating capacity water surface buoy connected by vertically moving shaft to submerged floating anchor(seafloor unfixed) to function as water pressure pump as 15 or more networked units. • Inertial vertical axis above-water gyroscopic generator whose rotation matches with wave oscillation frequency to create 50-100+% more efficiency than most other wave generators(Aar oldin, H Kanki - Hitachi Zosen+). 300-500% more efficiency than conventional wave power by Heart valve like Phase-dumping control spring mechanism to match & amplify wave motion (CorPower Ocean AB - NTNU): this anomalous claim is backed by sufficient vol of experimental results; similar to sensor micro electricity harvester mechanics. • No-moving parts wave: Reverse MagnetoStriction/Villari Effect use iMEC Oscilla Power, Kutlo jp+): oscillating shape of ferromagnetic material generates time variant magnetic field to generate electricity -->>cont: 97 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada