Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 78
-Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”
Solar 3
• Following solar pages list up potential cost reduction ideas, also some
techs are installable as lowest cost energy in some areas (*Note: due to
photovoltaic’s high tech nature, production process, choice of material &
how it is used affect costing much more than most other energy tech but
this report doesn’t cover these elements)
• ■1. Over S-Q limit Single Junction(SJ) Photovoltaic Solar Cell(SC):
Significant number of SJ cell Shockley-Queisser Limit 33% exceeding
efficiency at lab level experimental claims or strong indications/theoretical
ideas discussed at conference without criticism/risking reputation of
academic or engineer job, articles pass mainstream journal editorials,
and embraced by influential business/NGO/Gov’t lobbies & funders,
Light concentrating property Standing Nanowire/NanoPillar/NanoCone
etc (Krogstrup, Fontcuberta i Morral+), Solar Thermo-PhotoVoltaic(STPV,
thermal upconversion: absorb heat and re-emit it as extra photon for
capture; Boriskina+)(also see p67 •i) with specific geometric emitter-
absorber combo(Rephaeli+), —>> continue
77 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada