Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 66

Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 21: H.R. XII ThermoDielectric, PyroElectric • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •e ThermoDielelectric(Workman-Reynolds) Effect: • One of most ignored mainstream accepted electricity harvesting potential tech(since 1980s) with more society disruptive potentials like: major power harvesting from freezing and melting of water & other liquids, or further backing up charge based weather effect(rather than heat convention or CO2) combined with electroscavenging + triboelectric effects, & debunked but commercialized air/vapour ionization based stronger low cost weather control. For details see water tech presentation[Four Levels of Water Techno...] & look up "Rain Related Weather Modification”. • •f Pyro-electric(oscillating temperature to generate electricity), also nanogenerator for micro device exists(PENG): PyroElectric generator often requires temperature alternating device to cause rapid temperature oscillation to activate effect. New mechanics are improving effectiveness: Self heat-cool alternating polymeric PyroElectric Nanogenerator by water vapor, without any energy using heat alternating device(Fengxian Gao et al), 65 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada