Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 51
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 6: Coal to fuel,
DCFC, Geothermal etc
Coal based Gas/Oil/Direct power: Natural gas like CENfuel(Lloyd &
Turner ) & Low Temp Coal Carbonization: LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved
Bergius method, Micro active at Sasol+, Similar Lurgi process active in
China(70+ plants), EM wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata+), Low fume DCFC
(Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL+) mechanics avail since 1890s(W Jacques+),
A few of IGCC (Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle, usually said to
be more expensive than regular coal combustion, but high efficiency low
cost data can be hidden by high startup cost etc): more on gasification,
Super high density Enzymatic fuel cell(YH Percival Zhang)
Certain customized Geothermal heating: Heat Pump, Gradient Energy
Harvesting etc: e.g. Discarded oil well-mine EGS(Sologen), Downhole heat
exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat area useable even
without heat pump cost etc, Also much lower cost Hydrothermal Spallation
drilling, but quickly "went out of business"(Potter Drilling):
50 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada