Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 5

Qualification of information • This presenta,on primarily focuses on less known but latest science consensus forming technologies on strict effect basis, while a bulk of highest efficiency low cost techs & a majority of "outrageous" or controversial claims category contradict predominant view, especially of Wikipedia & Western media/NGOs. Hence aGendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data individually. • Regarding Controversial But Future Cri,cal Technologies Discussed: ■ Term “Free energy” or “Over-unity” in this presenta,on is defined as seeming as if: -1 Drawing more energy than exis,ng or con,nuous mo,on with no energy input. -2 “Work is done” by other than Thermodynamic Free Energy: open system symptom. -3 Using free material generally not considered as fuel. ■ Inventors-scien,sts-witnesses: their claims might involve higher likelihood of: -4 Fabrica,on, reliability exaggera,on, or sta,s,cal error chance of observed effect. -5 Significant quality gap between inven,ons, yet - -6 At least collec,ve majority seems to consistently produces claimed effects. • Currently more detailed reference list is being produced & will be published separately: Most effects quoted have accumula,ve-consistent evidence from unrelated era & source, but mechanics & categoriza,on are hypothe,cal. Commercialized company/products are shown in Boldface Dark Blue. Due to space constraints, referenced individuals names are given only last name or part of first name unless web search iden:fica:on becomes difficult(o=en non-Western names are given in full), & company names are listed in a way that is findable by internet search. 4