Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 35
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 27
Spin Current, Conduc9ve Kite - voltage gradient
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;
Micro Harvesters
11 # Carrying electrical current by Spin Current related methods, or by
fractionally charged quasi-particle in quantum hall effect regime(as opposed
to conventional charge current), seem to strongly imply overunity(Cyril
Smith+): 1-Spin rectification at Larmor precession freq to control spin to
produce DC current(YS Gui+), and Larmor precession is caused by electron
motion in static magnetic field, 2-Spin Battery: EMF (Electromotive force) of
spin origin generated by static magnetic field in magnetic tunnel junction(S
Maekawa+), 3-Spin current related Reverse Seebeck effect is much higher
thermoelectric harvesting from heat than conventional solid state
generators. Also see "Orgone"/"Orgonite" p366. 4-Spin wave tech relation
to Torsion field application(GJ Bugh+), & gravity tech(Frolov+)
12 # Properly grounded electricity conductive kite or rod extracts
atmospheric electricity(Beccaria, G Richmann, Dalibard, De Romas+), Use of
"static electricity": actual flowing of unbalanced electric charge. Effect itself
is easily replicated by amateurs, can easily lead to macro power generator,
currently almost entirely ignored by recent mainstream for
commercialization or research(,
34 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada