Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 32
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 24
Thermal Ionic II, Reverse-ElectroWetting
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY;
Micro Harvesters:
8 Thermal Ionic harvest:
• Thermal Ionic movement only(in water etc), no kinetic or vibration power used:
50-80°C "hair electrodes" cause proton hopping(Bri Tulachan+), or Electricity at
room temperature by thermal motion of ions in STILL LIQUID instead of by FLOW
of the solutions by Monolayer Graphene(Graphene Battery):
• Electron is emitted by interaction of graphene & cation, then it flows along
graphene to electrode(Zihan Xu, Guoan Tai+). This particular theme,
participated by state backed Chinese TENG research groups is practically free
energy tech, & was not debunked in West but quietly discontinued on official
level. This room temperature Thermal Ionic movement energy
harvesting/generation is not taken up by inventor type groups.
• *Also Note TriboElectric related effects has mainstream disputes amongst what
causes/how electron transfer occurs.
9 # Reverse Electrwetting power harvester: Reverse ElectroWetting On
Dielectric(REWOD), Related to ElectroWetting process which can transport liquid
with electricity by modifying the surface tension of liquid especially on
hydrophobic surface(film, dielectric etc), This differs from similar looking effect
causeable by ElectroMigration which gives force to move water.
31 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada