NHEG - January 2017 Magazine Vol 2 Issue 1 | Page 39

As a parent you work hard to provide a be�er life for your child( ren). We work hard to make sure that you have the knowledge and resources you need to educate your child. This organiza�on is the first of its kind. We are building gateways and resources to empower you and your child( ren) to achieve your goals and dreams. We believe that parents should be the caretakers of their children not a school or educa�onal system. We work with the en�re family unit and provide fill-in-the-gap type learning when reaching students. We have seen incredible advancements with students that par�cipate in our program. Students being tutored normally jump 2 years in a 9-month period. The most we have seen is 3- and 4-year advancements with a science and math student that suffered from seizures when younger. This was accomplished in a li�le over a year’ s �me. We have worked with students from all backgrounds and disabili�es / special needs. If you really want to make a change and stop the cycle of bad grades, depression and students that are about to give up, we can help. We have helped many families and have seen amazing changes.