What ' s Life Like for a Kid With Special Needs ?
Mary L . Gavin , MD
Isn ' t every kid special ? We think so . But what do we mean when we say " kids with special needs "? This means any kid who might need extra help because of a medical , emotional , or learning problem . These kids have special needs because they might need medicine , therapy , or extra help in school — stuff other kids don ' t typically need or only need once in a while .
Maybe you know of kids in your school who need a wheelchair or use braces when they walk . Those kids have special needs . They not only need the equipment that helps them get around , but they might need to have ramps or elevators available . They also might need to ride a special bus to school — one that lifts them up into the bus so they don ' t have to get up the steps . Kids who have illnesses , such as epilepsy or diabetes , would have special needs , too . They might need medicine or other help as they go about their day . Kids with sight problems might use special apps , tablets , or computers to read . Those with hearing or speech problems would have special needs , too . A kid who has hearing trouble might need hearing aids to hear and speech therapy , too , since it can be hard to say words correctly when you can ' t hear very well . Kids with learning problems often have special needs . Kids with Down syndrome might go to a regular school and might even be in your class . But they have special needs when it comes to learning , so an aide ( someone to help ) might come with them to class .
You might be able to spot a few kids with special needs , but you probably don ' t notice all of them . A kid could have a problem that isn ' t noticeable unless you know the person well . For example , someone could have trouble with anxiety ( worry ), but you wouldn ' t know it unless the kid told you about it . Privately , their parents , teachers , and counselors may be working to help them worry less .
What ' s Life Like for a Kid With Special Needs ?
Life can be extra-challenging for a kid with special needs . It might be harder to do everyday stuff — like learning to read or , if a person has physical handicaps , just getting around school or the mall . The good news is that parents , doctors , nurses , therapists , teachers , and others can help . The goal is to help kids be as independent as possible . Other kids also can be a big help . How ? By being a friend . Kids who need a wheelchair or have other health problems want friends just like you do . But meeting people and making friends can be tough . Some kids might tease them or make fun of them . Be sure to tell a teacher if you see someone being bullied or teased . That ' s a very lonely feeling .
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