NHD Theme Book 2016 | Page 50

48 NATIONAL HISTORY DAY 2016 • Newspaper Articles: • “Dr. Wiley’s Poison Squad Enlisted from Expert Topers,” The St. Louis Republic, December 6, 1903 chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1903-12-06/ed-1/seq-40/ • “Beef Trust is Bad,” Chicago Eagle, April 7, 1906 chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025828/1906-04-07/ed-1/seq-6/ • “Debate on the Pure Food Bill,” The Salt Lake Herald, June 23, 1906 chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1906-06-23/ed-1/seq-10/ • “How the Beef Trust has Poisoned Peoples’ Food,” The Commoner, June 8, 1906 chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/46032385/1906-06-08/ed-1/seq-7/ • “Pure Food Lesson in House,” The San Francisco Call, June 22, 1906 chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1906-06-22/ed-1/seq-1/ Time: Three sessions of 45 minutes each Materials: • Activity 1: Close Questions for Reading The Jungle • Activity 2: Close Reading Rubric for Newspaper Articles • Activity 3: Writing Rubric Lesson Preparation: Activity 1: • Print one copy of the excerpt from Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle for each student. • Print one copy of the Close Reading Questions for The Jungle for each group. Activity 2: • Download a copy of the political cartoon (optional: print a copy for each student). • For each student, select and print one of each of the historic newspaper articles. • Set the students into groups of 3-4 students each. Activity 3: • Make copies of the writing rubric included at the end of the lesson for each student. • Choose the list of acceptable topics (Harvey Wiley, Theodore Roosevelt, Upton Sinclair) and decide how students select their topic (free choice, random drawing, assigned topics).