NHD Theme Book 2016 | Page 48

46 NATIONAL HISTORY DAY 2016 Reform Begins in the United States Rona Johnson, Rocky Mountain Middle School, Idaho Falls, Idaho Grade Level: 6–8 S5 I tI r If 17 J 1 I lt f i i i iW THE WORLD llL elJI Wi SATTRDAY KYKYTSn TU7TR 0 + Objectives: At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to: • Who led the movement for food regulations? • What led to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration in 1906? • What impact can be seen today due to this reform movement? Historical Context: i PHEW WHAT A- n I I STHE Moci i 1 1 Iight I t r j f I r I I + > t r 1 > < trail I t e t I I crlctl1 c Ii You k t Dont Take a Vacation I viy A r e s y front the citys cltiHt nncl chin lJovi where the tide cornea rollliiK in Oh tit tt isv the place youll wlsh youcl been Nexit Pall vhcn yours worn out nearlySo pock up your grip and hurry away Down where the bathers romp and play Keacl what World Resort Ada say T hey 11 show where to go quite clearly Jor i w- d i n I > The ills wore In Ucrs opening upon galleries His cell was about five feet by seven in size with a stone floor and a heavy wooden bend built Into It There was no window the only light c unr from windows near the roof at one end of the court outside There were two bunks one above the other each with a straw mattress and a pair of gray blankets tho latter stilt as hoards with filth nndallro with fleas bed- ¬ bugs and lice When Jurgls lifted Uie mattress he discovered htnthIt a layer of scurrying roaches almost as badly frlghtemd as hint eft with tho addition of a Hero they brought him more duffers and dope howl of soup PROM TIm JUNGLE r 1 t UPTON SINCLAIR HORRORS OF THE CELLSIN POLICE STATIONS BEEF TRUST PROBED The fourth article In tho series being written by Mr SlnclUr orclu j lively for Tho Evening World will be published next Monday WORKMANS WIFE TELLS VILLAINY OF FOREMAN ono the wife contests tho plot of Connors the foreman He told me I tried not to do it I only did It to owe us he would have mo tunwd oft He told me he would wo would all of us HeWe could serer get anything to doheronlIln loso our plaoes He warned me Ho vvsod to would have ruined us mfant speak to merat on tho platform Then he bognn to males lovo toHe offered me inoney He begged nuhe said he loved me Then he threatened me He know all nbotit us he knt w we would starve 11 knew your horshe know Marljaa He would hound us to death hoho said If I woitldif 1we would nil be sure of work Raidtheti alw arsFItOll TIm JUNGLE siti tbo me II fl happens to A man when he Is arrested and I was fortunate In meeting at the outset a young physician who haul been through the experience himself and could toll mo exactly what 1 wanted This man had lived all his life in the yards and had workfd his stay up He had been gradiated from a medical schoM and was ntltlcd to a license but he did not get It because lio was unwilling to way the usual graft to the city olllclnl who was charged with Issuing It After waiting for several months he made uv his mind to forco the Issue nail bocnn practising without n license IT mis arrested and sent to Jail He only stayed there ono night howevor ecauso ttnso In authority rcallsed Lhathe meant to fight and so they 1n him go and gave him hlF license to hush up the scandal His experience during that night was tho same as the experience of Jurgls that is he was shut up In n stone icoll which has a double tier of berths the blankets of which were gray with filth He described to mo how he felt when he lifted them up and saw thousands of roaches scurrying away His supper and his breakfast the next morning consisted of duffers and former being hunksof bread and the latter coffee with some kind of a drug In it to quiet the I i INDIA 1L1 HIGHEST IN PUBLIC STANDS NNUAL SALE FAVORA- EXCEEDS 14000000 PACKETS Trial Packet Oc AT ALL GROCERS prisoners- This young doctor Introduced mo to a young lawyer In Packlngtown who had taken part ratter as an amused spectator In Pncklngtown poli- ¬ tics and who save mo somo delightful do t tails about conditions there I could write Alderman Carey n book about tho facts which I cot concern ¬ a Millionaire ing this aspect of tho life of the neighbor ¬ Out of Politics hood After I cot through talking with this lawyer 1 met sonic men on tho other side and got their stories and from every workingman with whom I talked I sot new views I arc caught stealing city water be fee it up BO that there Is no scandal Ho owns the dumps of which you are prevented front taking pictures by the He owns a brick factory and after ho gets city police the clay wt of tho ground ho set the city to 1111 up tho hole with garbage and then he builds homos on il for tho working class of Packlnctown When election day comes around the packers put up largo scans of money and Carey gout I tho working class to vbto for him and then soils them out to their nmters To help hint with his election work ho has a gang of ruffians they are In tho VatIU League ant they have prlzo called In titans fights and dog fights In defiance of tho law All tho policemen belong to It in spite of tho fact that this Is against tho law Alt the saloon keepers belong to It because they cannot do busi- ¬ ness othcnviBO So on election day Careys Indians have freo drinks to lstrlbuto to Socialistic Ideas wavering voters SI neo I loft Spreading Among tho announcemniont has boon Packlngtown made that Carey has been building himself a palatial the Workingmen home over In tho Hyde Park section of tho town Packlngtown Is no longer good enough for him Ho tried his best However to make It good enough I noticed that his street was the only well paved street In tho neighborhood except those on which tho wagons have to pass to got to the city It le one of tho tow streets which has any lights and needless to say It tins cowers there were no coasjools underneath Tom Careys homo I know that this is a black picture a picture that makes tray taro J American turn elck to look at It 1o bAd enough that thaw linadreaa at pact 1D PLEAD PACKETS ONLY lpothe The Democratic machine In the stockyards district Is owned an