NHD Theme Book 2016 | Page 32

Teachers and School Librarians: NHD Offers Two Graduate Credit Opportunities Fall 2015 Revolutionize your classroom with National History Day (NHD)! In fall 2015, NHD will offer two online graduate courses for middle and high school teachers and librarians who want to implement a project-based curriculum into their classrooms using the framework of the NHD program. Course: Introduction to Project-Based Learning Using the National History Day Curriculum Framework Dates: September 14 to December 14, 2015 Cost: $600, includes tuition and materials Course: Conducting Historical Research in the National History Day Model Dates: September 14 to December 14, 2015 Cost: $700, includes tuition and materials Prerequisite: Introduction to Project-Based Learning course OR 5+ years of previous NHD teaching experience Both courses will provide practical advice as well as pedagogical strategies. Teachers will earn three graduate credits from the University of San Diego while creating classroom-ready materials customized to the needs of their students. Teachers will work on independently-paced modules with weekly deadlines. This allows a teacher to complete his or her work at any time of day from anywhere in the world. Register TODAY! Where do I register for the course? To register, go to: www.nhd.org/onlineeducation. How long do I have to register? Registration is open until: Friday, August 14, 2015. Whom can I contact if I have questions? For more information contact: [email protected].