NHD Theme Book 2016 | Page 30

28 NATIONAL HISTORY DAY 2016 Use these three photographs to generate a discussion of pre- and post-earthquake Chinatown. San Francisco, Calif. - China Town, Sacramento St., 1866 Library of Congress www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2002719264/ In the heart of modern Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif., c. 1929 Library of Congress www.loc.gov/pictures/item/89716184/ The Heart of Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal., c. 1906 Library of Congress www.loc.gov/pictures/item/det1994011906/PP/ Questions from the Analyzing Photographs & Prints Teacher’s Guide www.loc.gov/teachers/usingprimarysources/guides.html may help to focus students’ analysis of the photos individually and as parts of a story about Chinatown’s evolution. Consider adding another layer to the discussion with this short film from Chinatown in 1903. www.loc.gov/item/00694411/ Ask: • What can you learn from the photographs and film that is different from what can be learned from the map? • What differences can be seen between Chinatown in 1866 and 1929? How are these differences evidence of encounter and exchange?