Immigration figures for 1903.
Library of Congress.
This four-page document from 1903 presents information on the encounter between new immigrants and resident populations
using both tables and informational text. Work with students as they analyze it and then compare it with the previous items.
Select questions from the Analyzing Books and Other Printed Texts Teacher’s Guide (www.loc.gov/teachers/
usingprimarysources/guides.html) to facilitate an analysis. Students will use skills in reading both informational text and tables.
Ask question related to the document to promote close reading:
• Who created this document? What evidence is there that the purpose of this item is different from that of the previous two?
• What demographic information about immigrants is missing from this document? Why might the creators have chosen to
include some statistics and exclude others?
• Compare the perspective of this document to the attitudes expressed in the cartoon and census records.