NHD Theme Book 2016 | Page 21

EXPLORATION, ENCOUNTER, EXCHANGE IN HISTORY Pick a topic you like, find a related piece of legislation (the purchased stamps on a dollar-for-dollar ratio, but also also gain a new awareness of, and hopefully interest in, the War II resulted in both decreased surpluses and reduced good news is there are thousands from which to choose.), and prepare to engage in an enriching research experience. You will take away knowledge of the legislation’s content, but process of the people’s branch of government. M U.S. Domestic Food Exchange any experience food sharing in their day-to-day lives without giving it much thought. It can be as simple as students exchanging an apple for carrots during their lunch break or putting a few items in the food donation bin at the grocery store. It also can be be complex, as implemented in government programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). There are many federal programs that focus on the distribution of food and other basic commodities. received additional stamps that entitled them to buy foods designated as surplus at local stores for a reduced price.2 The program lasted until 1943, when the escalation of World unemployment. In 1961 Congress reestablished the Food Stamp Program as part of Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, to assist thousands of undernourished Americans.3 With passage of the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the program became permanent, but it was not until 10 years later, in 1974, that Congress required participation from all states nationwide. Senator Dole had been peripherally involved with the program throughout his time in the House of Representatives (1961-1968) and early Senate career, but in 1977 he took a leadership role in shaping the Food Stamp program.4 Laws affecting those programs come under review With Senator George McGovern (D-South Dakota), who Dole T purchase requirements and lax eligibility standards. The periodically and can be changed to fit a new situation. Tracking changes to those laws can demonstrate changes in the political climate as well as the social situation. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) he Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly the Food Stamp Program, helps low-income families and individuals purchase food. SNAP is the largest nutrition assistance program within the federal social safety net. Despite the name change in 2008 and the changeover from stamps to an electronic system, many Americans still refer to SNAP as the Food Stamp Program. 1 The Food Stamp Program started in the late 1930s in response to an unprecedented situation where the United States had both farm surpluses and hundreds of thousands of hungry people. In the early version of the program, people widely credited for opening his eyes to issues of domestic food insecurity, Dole worked to address two of the main problems associated with food stamps: cumbersome Senators’ initiative succeeded in designing a program that eliminated the need for individuals to make a required minimum payment to obtain food stamp coupons, which many could not afford. Dole and McGovern continued to work on food issues together for decades.5 W Women, Infants and Children (WIC) omen, Infants, and Children, provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrit