either completing Activity 2 or 3. If the small group method is
used, groups should share their findings with the class so all
students have the necessary information for Activity 4. If you
wish to break it down further, groups that work with the Mao
documents could split into sub-groups that look at specific
types of sources.
Activity 1: Schools of Thought: Confucianism and Legalism
1. Have students read the documents for Confucianism and
2. Ask students what these men had to say about leadership.
Ask students if any leaders come to mind when they hear
these things.
3. Make a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and
differences between these two schools of thought. If this
activity is done in small groups, it will be helpful to have
students complete their Venn Diagram when groups
present their findings to the class.
Note: There are other schools of thought in China, but for the
purpose of this lesson, Confucianism and Legalism are most
Activity 2: Emperor Qin
1. Have students read the documents for Emperor Qin.
2. Give students photos of the Terracotta Warriors.
3. Discuss the following questions. Students could also
answer these questions in small groups or independently.
a. What type of leadership qualities does Qin seem to
b. How do you see evidence of Confucianism or Legalism?
c. How does Qin make decisions?
d. What is the foundation for his leadership?
4. Have students create a “propaganda poster” to show what
they have gathered about Emperor Qin.
Activity 3: Chairman Mao
1. Have students read the documents on Chairman Mao.
2. Give students copies of propaganda posters.
3. Discuss the following questions. Students could also
answer these questions in small groups or independently.
a. What type of leadership qualities does Mao seem to
b. How do you see evidence of Confucianism or Legalism?
c. How does Mao make decisions?
4. Have students create a “propaganda poster” to show what
they have gathered about Chairman Mao.
Activity 4: Comparing/Contrasting: Qin and Mao
Have students create a chart that shows their interpretation of
the effectiveness of Qin and Mao as leaders. This will be used
when students begin to look at the legacy of these two leaders.
Looking at Their Legacies:
The legacies of Qin and Mao are complex and fascinating. Use
the chart students created in Activity 4 to begin discussing the
legacy of Qin and Mao. Ask students how they view the legacy
of each. Encourage students to support their answers with
their work from previous activities. It is important that there
be some discussion around the intersection of these two men.
How does the legacy of Mao reflect the legacy of Qin? How
does Mao’s legacy affect that of Qin?
The following discussion points for further analysis of Qin’s
and Mao’s legacies could be used as whole class, small group,
or individual activities. It is not necessary to complete all
Qin Shi Huang. (Photo courtesy of Dennis Jarvis, Halifax, Canada)
of them, and therefore students can choose one that is of
particular interest to them. These discussion points are