The changing face of global economics and society should
lead us to reexamine the relationship between the United
States and China. In addition, we should reconsider how
we approach teaching this part of history. As the world
becomes more interconnected, students must develop the
skills necessary to adapt to this changing world. Critical
thinking, creativity, leadership, and global awareness will
be essential to schools in the twenty-first century.
Middle school students are often intrigued by the mystery
surrounding ancient cultures. While modern history may
also interest them in different ways, some students struggle
to link the two periods or find relevance in ancient history.
This lesson works to bring together China’s ancient and
recent histories.
Historians have compared the leadership and legacies of
Emperor Qin and Communist Chairman Mao Tse-tung, often
with a critical eye to both men. In a fascinating intersection
of ancient and modern, studying the discovery of the
Terracotta Warriors near the end of the Cultural Revolution
provides an opportunity to explore the similarities and
differences between these two men. Note that the resources
listed at the end of this lesson provide a good place to start
the journey to better understanding China, its leadership,
and its place in the twenty-first century.
After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
• Explain the guiding principles of leadership for two Chinese
leaders, one ancient and one modern
• Compare and contrast the leadership and legacy of Emperor
Qin and Chairman Mao
• Evaluate connections between the legacies of Emperor Qin and
Chairman Mao
Teaching Time: Two to three 90-minute class periods
Grade Level: Middle School, 6-8
Disciplines: World History
Terra cotta soldier and his terra cotta horse. (Photo courtesy of Robin Chen)
Historical Period: Ancient China (~200 BCE), twentieth century
Guiding Questions:
• What guiding principles helped shape the leadership of
Emperor Qin and Chairman Mao?
• How did the time in which they were born help shape who
they became as leaders?
• How is the leadership and legacy of each similar to and
different from that of the other?