Ngaruawahia High School Yearbooks 1994-2009 Ngaruawahia High School Yearbook 2009 | Page 25
Tena koutou Te
Wharekura o Rakaumanga, na
koutou te kaupapa nei i kawe
mo te hunga rangatahi o Tainui.
Kore mutu te mihi ki a koutou
mo te ra tino rawe!
Te W h a r e k u r a o
Rakaumanga put on an
awesome event, from the day of
the Powhiri through to the final
presentations on Saturday
evening, the whole competition
went without a hitch.
As a member of Tainui
Teachers’ who help with these
large events in the Tainui
Region, it was indeed a pleasure
working with the staff of
Ngaruawahia High School
was once again represent ??