Ngaruawahia High School Yearbooks 1994-2009 Ngaruawahia High School Yearbook 2009 | Page 23
Turangawaewae Waka Sports (TWS) was first
established as Turangawaewae Waka Ama in 2005 under the
guidance of Hoturoa Kerr and Te Toki Voyaging Trust.
Participating in both TPOTI (Te Puku o Te Ika Region)
regional sprints and national sprints saw an increase in
members and a need for TWS to affiliate as an independent
club under TPOTI. TWS are now into their 2nd year as an
independent club and have currently 167 registered paddlers –
of which Ngaruawahia High School students make up the
majority of our Junior 16 and Junior 19 paddlers.
Ngaruawahia High School are very fortunate to have
access to these waka. Although we have two sets of paddles
(belonging to the school), they don’t cater for the 50+ students
that represent our school at the secondary school regionals and
nationals held each year in Feb and March. With the support of
TWS – we are able to cater for the huge numbers, often
Following 15 years of
addressing our NHS
students with special
needs, Lalita Hari has
called it a day.
An farewell
evening at the local Twin
Rivers Restaurant was
spent with colleagues.
borrowing life?jackets, waka and blades.
We also have a few number of staff who have joined
TWS, either in a coaching, managing or paddling position.
Whaea Rangimarie is the current secretary of the club as well
as a manager for 6 crews. Matua Waki is not only the
Chairman for TWS, but also coaches J16’s, J19’s and
Intermediate Girls. Matua Barney is the Midget Girls coach
(Kowhai and Awatea – his daughters – both paddle too).
Whaea Reg, Whaea Kahurangi, Whaea Gail (joined last
year) and Whaea Tiria have recently joined and now paddle
with the ladies of the club. Whaea Sonya’s son Morgan is one
of our expert intermediate steerers and Matua LeRoy’s son has
just joined our midget boys.
Our school is reliant on TWS for resources as much as
TWS is reliant on Ngaruawahia High School and surrounding
schools for people resources.
New staff member Le Roy Morgan (left
with Principal David Bradford) was
welcomed to the school with a customary