Ngaruawahia High School Yearbooks 1994-2009 Ngaruawahia High School Yearbook 2007 | Page 4

Te K otah Janu ary S everal days before the pupils commenced the new year, the school staff was hard at work preparing for a new initiative. Te Kotahitanga - a project aimed at raising the achievement levels of our students. Research has shown that students are more likely to be successful if a positive relationship with the teacher is established. Two of the aspects that teachers involved in Te Kotahitanga are seeking to improve are: Manaakitanga…is about caring for the students and respecting the culture and life experiences they bring into the classroom. Mana Motuhake…is about having high expectations of the students, in terms of both the learning and behaviour. After four terms, our data shows teachers are making positive changes. In trying to move from an old-fashioned, more traditional style where the teacher dominates the lesson to a style where students have more say and involvement in the 2 itan 2526 ga lesson, there has been an marked improvement. As well, teachers are managing lessons where there is less ‘whole class’ teaching (teaching everyone the same thing at the same time). In term 2, teaching styles using groups of students was up by six percent compared to term one. Part of the school’s goal this year is to raise the thinking and learning skills. There is a 14% r i s e i n Ma n a m o t u h a k e (performance) which r Y?X??\???????YH\??XZ?HB?X\??[??[?H?[[??[???XX?\?[?\?X?[???X?????X[?XZ?][??H??Z[B??[][??\?[?H?\????B?[?????H??]]?H[??X\?K??\???X??[?[????]?B?YX\??[????\?\??YX\?H[??L?Y[???]H?\???X?Y?YX\?\?H]??X??\???X??B??\?Y?]H??[][?]B?\?[?X?[H[?H??????]??]\????