NEXT GENERATION GENOME EDITING TECHNOLOGIES Next-Generation-Genome-Editing-Technologies | Page 13

Smaller in size i.e. 40nt 100nt hybrid of trRNA and 24bp small crRNA Synthesis is cheaper Costly Cheaper. Can be ordered as oligonucleotide AT rich regions can be AT rich regions cannot be Has lower potential for off- targeted targeted as they lack PAM target effects sites Benefits: ƒ ƒ Does not require PAM sequence, so choosing a target is more flexible than in CAS9. ƒ ƒ Uses DNA guides instead of RNA guides, which are short 24bp DNA. ƒ ƒ Editing efficiency is not affected as transcription isn’t there, so changes in gRNA secondary structure is not possible. ƒ ƒ Small capacity viral vectors can be used. ƒ ƒ Follows the concept of base removal i.e. randomly removing 1-20 nucleotides from cleavage site given by gDNA. Therefore, foreign DNA cannot recover its original sequence.