news&views Autumn 2022 | Page 50

From Our Partners

Erika Healy , RPN | Nurse Care Specialist , HumanaCare

Making Your Health a Priority

Even though most people know that they should be making their health a priority , the reality is that not everyone does . Being dedicated to taking good care of your health is about creating lasting habits that are both attainable and sustainable in your everyday life . Temporary spurts of activity , or putting unreasonable and unrealistic demands on yourself , likely won ’ t mean lasting results or change . If you want to live a healthier lifestyle , adopt habits that you can do every day . For lasting results , avoid extreme commitments , and go for smaller , more obtainable goals that you can handle and work into your everyday life .
Between family , work , and busy schedules , focusing on our personal health can often fall to the bottom of the list . People know they should be eating vegetables , exercising , and drinking more water ; however , that does not always mean that they do it . You may ask yourself , “ How do I find time for the gym ? To eat well ? To cook ?” Despite the daily grind , family obligations , and the never-ending to-do list , it is possible to make your health a priority without it feeling like a chore . You just have to find what works for you and your lifestyle .
● Schedule your new habits into your life : A great way to keep organized and accountable is keeping a journal or calendar that you can reference daily . Plan out time slots for exercise or meal prep .
● Change your environment : Pack your fridge and pantry with healthy options that you can reach for on the go .
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