news&views Autumn 2021 | Page 48

My COVID Isolation Dilemma :

Do I Get a Puppy or an Indoor Garden ?

Bonnie Bauer | Member , Wellness Committee
When COVID-19 struck , I knew that I would be spending a lot more time at home . I began to feel a need to nurture . Should I get a new puppy ? That would definitely keep me busy . However , I knew that we love to travel , visit grandchildren , and often we would be gone for long stretches of time . If life ever returned to normal , a puppy might not be a good fit . Furthermore , our middle daughter decided that she would begin raising Shih‐Poo puppies . Who needs your own puppy when you can just borrow one for a while ?
I soon became enthralled with another interest . A friend had purchased an aeroponic system and was growing her own fresh vegetables , fruits , and herbs indoors year-round with special LED grow lights . What a great idea during a pandemic ! I could grow my own greens and visit the store less often . I love salads and was looking forward to having fresh produce all year long . Also , I wouldn ’ t throw so much away , as my produce would always be fresh .
I placed my order and was so pumped when my tower and lights arrived ! It was a much better decision than a puppy , which would have required a lot of training . I didn ’ t even need a green thumb ! I watched a video on how to assemble the tower and was set to go . I ’ m proud to say I even did it all myself .
Although I used the seed starter tray to germinate my seeds , I found out later that it
was just as easy to start the seeds right in the tower .
The tower holds approximately twenty gallons of water when filled . We live on an acreage and have well water , so this added a bit of challenge to keep the water pH balanced . However , I found using an RV filter and letting the water sit out in an open container for twenty-four hours helps lower the pH naturally . Usually about
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