news&views Autumn 2021 | Page 12


Marilyn Bossert | Regional Representative West , ACER-CART

Time for a National Seniors Strategy

To advocate for the development and implementation of a National Seniors Strategy was the ACER-CART number one priority in 2020 – 21 , and the recent AGM approved that this priority be extended into 2021 – 22 .
ACER-CART members attending the virtual June 3 , 2021 , Retiree Health event learned more about a National Seniors Strategy from one of Canada ’ s strongest advocates for seniors , Dr . Samir Sinha ( acer-cart . org / june3event ). But for many other Canadians , the question may be , “ What is a National Seniors Strategy ?”
Seniors are the fastest growing segment of the Canadian population . Currently , fifteen per cent of our population is aged 65 and older , and that number is expected to increase to twenty-five per cent by 2056 .
A comprehensive National Seniors Strategy with clear expectations and targeted funding has been put forth by the National Institute on Ageing . This strategy aims to guarantee basic rights for Canada ’ s older population and ensure that their needs will be met .
Fourteen specific issues have been identified and addressed within a framework of four pillars .
Pillar 1 : Empower independent , productive , and engaged older Canadians by addressing
● ageism , elder abuse , and social isolation ;
● access to affordable housing ;
● improving income security for seniors ;
● the creation of agefriendly communities , physical environments , and spaces ;
● access to inclusive transportation .
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Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retraités — Canadian Association of Retired Teachers
Pillar 2 : Support healthy and active lives as long as possible for older Canadians by ensuring
● support for engagement in wellness and prevention activities that will enable healthy aging ;
● access to medically necessary and appropriate medications and vaccines ;
● that older Canadians and their caregivers are assisted to participate in informed health decision-making and advance care planning .
Pillar 3 : Deliver person-centred , high-quality , integrated care as close to home as possible by care providers who have the knowledge and skills to care for older Canadians by ensuring
● access to appropriate , high-quality long-term care , palliative , and end-of-life services ;
● that older Canadians have access to specifically trained care providers to provide the care needed ;
● standardized metrics and accountability standards to enable a National Seniors Strategy ;
● that the needs of older adults are recognized and supported in emergency and disaster preparedness planning , response , and recovery efforts .