Truly Canadian
Handmade Quality
762 S cholar C hair
with A rms
RG758 G rand C hair
W ith U pholstered S eat
The Grand Chair was designed for you and your grandbabies to sit
together and enjoy your forever precious moments!
Birch Cambridge Bent Arrow Side
Cambridge Bent Arrow Arm $383
$443 Oak
631 Lexington Side
Lexington Arm $507
$565 $507
Scholar Arm (with saddled wood seat)
Scholar Arm (with rustic birch, oak or pine wood seat)
Scholar Arm * (with upholstered seat) $566
$629 $566
RG758 Grand Chair (with rustic birch, oak or pine wood seat)
RG758 Grand Chair (with upholstered seat) $1008
+ 2" Crowned Upholstered Cushion With Folded Corners
* Arms are not guarenteed to fit under the skirt of the table
* Chairs with upholstered seats (value of $105.00) are priced with a 2" crowned folded corner,
2lb high density foam cushion, and are covered with fabric that is valued at $50.00 per yard
* Please note that prices will vary on fabric selection
Check in at
for new chair styles!
2018 Catalog
Page 19