NEWSLINE-WINTER-2023-final | Page 11




Are you committed to lifelong learning ? Are you committed to the landscape industry ?
MCLP certification is for you .
Why MCLP ? MCLP certification is of practical importance when bidding jobs . Certain proposals will require the certification .
Add these new MCLP Overviews to your study materials !
Plant Health Care
MCLP certification is of personal importance when seeking a promotion or interviewing for a new position . Having your MCLP demonstrates that you are a dedicated professional . You proved yourself at the exam and now you continue to seek out opportunities to learn and grow in your field .
Plant Biology & SOil Soil Science
MCLP certification makes sense for a seasoned professional as well as for anyone starting out in the industry . Register for the online study guide , commit to a preparation schedule , and sign up for the exam when you ’ re ready !
Turf Topics
If you have the drive and the commitment , we have the tools to get you started on the road to your MCLP certification .
The March MCLP exam is just a few months away ! We will be ready for you !
The MCLP exam covers : Plant Biology Soil Science Turf Management Plant Health Care Construction Management Plant Installation Plant , Tree and Shrub Identification Insect , Pest and Disease Identification
The MCLP Study Guide takes you through all the information you need to know to succeed on the exam . Start by ordering your MCLP Study Guide , which provides all the information you need to study .
Continue by registering for any of the MCLP Overview webinars to supplement your studying and keep you on track .
The next exam is on Friday March 8 , 2024 . Register at MLP-MCLP . org !
Landscape Construction and Project Management
Katie Merrifield , MCLP , Chairperson Merrifield Garden Wayland , MA
Mike Landry , MCLP Riverside Services , Inc . Southborough , MA
Matt McCoy , MCLP Harrison McPhee Inc . Millis , MA
Laurie Sullivan , MCLP D Schumacher , Inc . W . Bridgewater , MA
Johnny Kwasek , MCLP , Past Chair John Anthony ’ s Landscaping LLC Roslindale , MA
MALP Newsline | Winter 2023 11