NEWSLINE SUMMER 2024-final2 | Page 9




Family , friends , and colleagues gathered on April 16 , 2024 , to honor Tim Dolan , MCLP , Director of Horticulture at Chestnut Hill Realty ( CHR ), as he was presented with the association ’ s prestigious Beacon Award .
The Beacon Award was established by MALP in 2001 to recognize leaders in our industry whose actions serve as a guide and a challenge to other members in the landscape and horticulture profession . It is the highest honor MALP bestows upon a member .
Chris Connors , MCLP , president of MALP , presented the award to Tim . Chris ’ presentation was followed by a standing ovation , as Tim made his way to the podium .
In addition to thanking all who have supported him throughout his career , Tim made many poignant remarks – a few are highlighted here :
“ When I first applied to CHR , the Sunday Boston Globe ad referenced a Property Management company was looking for an arborist and a landscape professional to manage a landscape team for a large property in the Boston area . My knowledge and experience to this point was mostly working with and managing plants . I certainly didn ’ t plan to ever work with people . However , over the years I have come to realize that managing people and plants isn ’ t all that different .
Provide them with a healthy soil , good working conditions , best tools , equipment , uniforms and a fun environment … and they will start to root in . Consistently water and fertilize them , provide career opportunities , job education , training , competitive wages , and excellent benefits … and they will grow .
Prune and weed when needed and provide them with plenty of light and support … and they will bloom .
People and plants grow and thrive in similar ways . For me , over time it has become less about taking care of plants , and mostly about nurturing people .”
“ When I found out about winning this award , I was surprised and humbled . My son was one of the first people I told . He said ‘ Wow , Dad does that mean you are officially the Lorax ?’ For anyone who doesn ’ t know who the Lorax is , it is a Dr . Seuss storybook character who speaks for the trees . Like the honor of receiving the Beacon Award , I found his comment to be very high praise . As I thought more about it , I told him that I ’ d like to think that I speak for the people who speak for the trees .”
Tim has served on several MALP committees and was president of our association in 2013 . In addition to his MCLP designation , he holds many other certifications including ISA , ISA TRAQ , and MCH . He has worked at Chestnut Hill Realty for nearly 30 years and is currently Director of Horticulture of an award-winning horticulture team .
What ’ s the best business advice you ever received ?
In the workplace , your number one investment is an engaged employee .
What advice would you share with people starting out in the landscape profession ?
Pursue and take advantage of every opportunity , especially the educational ones . Get involved in local associations like MALP to
( continued on page 11 )
MALP Newsline | Summer 2024 9