NEWSLINE SUMMER 2024-final2 | Page 11




Communicate Successfully with your Latino Workforce
By Jennifer Zurko
( continued from page 9 )
grow your knowledge , make connections and build your network . Be a sponge .
What ’ s the next big game changer you see on the horizon in our industry ?
Workforce development . Attracting the next generation of employees who like to be outside , work with their hands , care for the environment , and want to make a career of it . We need to adjust the workplace and the work culture to attract and retain them .
What have you enjoyed most about being part of the MALP ?
Claudio Carlos Pasian , Associate Professor , Emeritus , at The Ohio State University is teaching a new online training course called “ Success with your Latino Workforce .” One of the key concepts that will be covered in this course is effective communication . As a Latino working in horticulture , Claudio said he ’ s had personal experience of cultural differences in his own career , and has also observed misunderstandings between Latino and non-Latino employees . This course will help you effectively bridge that gap .
Many cultural experts say that 65 % of communication is nonverbal , whereas only 35 % is verbal . The bottom line is that most communication is non-verbal . We can communicate with body language , eye language , space language , touch language , time language , etc . so there ’ s much more to communicating with your Latino workforce than words .
The online course will run from October 14 to November 8 , 2024 , and is designed for people already working in horticulture , with two lessons per week that can be accessed at any time of day , and interactive discussions to reinforce your skills .
“ It is important to keep in mind that there is no ‘ silver bullet ’ solution that will take care of all situations an employer will face when dealing with a Latino workforce ,” said Claudio . “ However , taking a course like this , plus having an open mind and being a constant observer of worker reactions , can turn challenges from having a multicultural workforce into a positive and enriching experience for you and your team .”
To see the curriculum and register , go to hort . ifas . ufl . edu / training .
The connections and education . Having the opportunity to talk with fellow members and attending various educational events and dinner meetings . There is always so much to take advantage of . You can learn so much about what you are doing , and how you can improve in all areas of practice and professionalism .
Know someone you ’ d like to nominate for the Beacon Award ?
MALP members are encouraged to nominate colleagues for Beacon Award consideration . Please write a letter to the MALP board of directors with the name of your nominee and include the reasons why you believe they should receive the Beacon award . Take the award ’ s purpose and title into consideration when crafting your nomination letter . Be specific , cite examples , include details and , if possible , ask for letters of support for your nominee from other MALP members . The deadline for nominations is October 10 , 2024 .
Nomination letters may be sent to : Beacon Award MALP Board of Directors 67 West Street Medfield , MA 02052 info @ mlp-mclp . org (“ Beacon Award ” in Subject Line please )
Reprinted from GrowerTalks magazine , May 2024 .
MALP Newsline | Summer 2024 11