NEWSLINE-summer-2023-final-reduced | Page 13

Q & A with

Q . Is English Ivy , Hedera helix , considered to be invasive in Massachusetts ? What is the best way to control English ivy ?
A . The Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Committee ( MIPAG ), has completed evaluating Hedera helix for invasiveness in Massachusetts . While this species in non-native , it would likely fall short of meeting some the criteria that would designate it as invasive , likely invasive or potentially invasive . A full evaluation of this species would not likely show Hedera to 1 ) demonstrate the potential for rapid and widespread dispersion and establishment , 2 ) have the potential to disperse over spatial gaps , and 3 ) exist in high numbers in natural plant community and minimally managed habitats where it would be determined to be invasive or likely invasive . MIPAG defines an invasive plant as a non-native species that has spread into native or minimally managed plant systems in Massachusetts . These plants cause economic or environmental harm by developing self-sustaining populations and becoming dominant and / or disruptive to those systems . Early during the evaluation of plant species , a well-known nurseryman in Massachusetts coined the phrase “ garden thug ” which appropriately describes this species ' behavior in New England .
Management of a “ garden thug ” certainly can be justified in some situations . The timing of the most effective management strategy is important . Application of glyphosate in spring will provide good control . Application of a 41 % glyphosate formulation at 4 to 5 % volume per volume should be applied in the spring when the new-season growth is 3 to 5 inches long and has 3 to 5 leaves . At least two years of a spring application will likely be required for complete control .
Q . I understand that ( MIPAG ) has recently evaluated some new species and has added them to the Massachusetts Prohibited Plant List . Which species have been evaluated and added to the list ?
A . On November 14 , 2022 , the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources ( MDAR ) added three new species to the Massachusetts Prohibited Plant List :
• Scotch Broom , Cytisus scoparius - designated as Likely Invasive
• Weeping Lovegrass , Eragrostis curvula - designated as Invasive
• Japanese Black Pine , Pinus thunbergii - designated as Likely Invasive
Implications on propagation , sale and trade - agents / growers can no longer receive new stock or begin growing new stock but may sell any existing stock during the phase out period listed below :
• Scotch Broom , Cytisus scoparius - 2 years , no longer for sale after December 31 , 2024
• Weeping Lovegrass , Eragrostis curvula - 1 year , no longer for sale after December 31 , 2023
• Japanese Black Pine , Pinus thunbergii - 3 years , no longer for sale after December 31 , 2025
Q . I understand that dithiopyr , the herbicide in Dimension™ is a preemergence herbicide , but recently I have heard it will control crabgrass when applied postemergence . Is this accurate and what do I need to consider ?
A . That is correct . In New England , where cool-season turfgrasses are the predominant species , early postemergence crabgrass control is obtained when a sprayable formulation of dithiopyr is applied prior to tiller initiation of crabgrass ( 1- to 5- leaf growth stage ). Unlike a preemergence application , postemergence application will require the addition of a nonionic surfactant at a minimum of 0.25 % v / v ( 2 pt per 100 gallons of spray ), which will improve postemergence control if crabgrass is just past the 5-leaf stage of growth ( very early first tiller ). Sprayable applications of dithiopyr are a great management option should you get behind on your preemergence crabgrass applications in the spring . These applications will provide early control of the early growth stages of crabgrass while forming a preemergence barrier for subsequent crabgrass that has not yet appeared .
Randy Prostak , UMass Extension Weed Specialist – HortNotes May 2023


• MLP Past President , Doug McDuff , MCLP , MCA , has been elected to the National Association of Landscape Professionals ( NALP ) board of directors . MLP will be well represented with Doug serving on the national level !
• Kudos to Anita Gottschalk , MCLP for being recognized with a “ Women in the Green Industry ” award by Green Industry Pros magazine . The award honors female industry leaders whose accomplishments offer a road map for other women looking to shape and advance the green industry .
• Congratulations to Cricket Vlass , MCLP , MCA on her promotion to the position of Park & Tree Superintendent for the Department of Public Works in Wellesley , MA . Cricket has worked for the town in several roles over the past 40 years .
• Trinity Hunt Partners , a private equity firm , announced the launch of its commercial landscaping platform in conjunction with its investment in MLP member firm , Riverside Services . Riverside ’ s president Mark Levine will play a critical role in building out the national platform , evaluating future partnership opportunities , and driving operational excellence across the company .
• Wayne and Beth Mezitt of Weston Nurseries have released their new book , " For the Love of Gardening ," to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the company . The book is a blend of gardening advice , family anecdotes , and delicious family recipes that showcases the love and passion for gardening that has been a part of the Mezitt families for generations .
MLP Newsline | Summer 2023 13