NEWSLINE-summer-2023-final-reduced | Page 11

Chair ' s Message
Chair ' s Message
Happy Summer MCLPs !


During this busy season for all of us , it is a quieter time for the MCLP program . If you or a colleague are considering taking the MCLP exam , we will hold our next exam on November 3 , 2023 . Registration is open now and seats are limited so please sign up and start preparing as soon as possible !
Katie Merrifield , MCLP Chairperson
Merrifield Garden & Design , Wayland , MA
Mike Landry , MCLP Riverside Services , Inc ., Southborough , MA
Johnny Kwasek , MCLP Past Chair
John Anthony ’ s Landscaping LLC , Roslindale , MA
We are looking for more volunteers for the MCLP Committee ! Interested ? Contact the MLP Office !
An exciting new initiative is the MCLP Ambassador program . This is a chance for MCLPs to act as liaisons and mentors for those considering the exam , and as the name suggests , promoting the MCLP program to their network . We ’ re hoping to enlist ambassadors in all corners of the region . If you are an MCLP who is interested in serving as an ambassador , please let the MLP office know , and we ’ ll get you involved !
In other news , I want to draw attention to the MCLP Recertification Timeline now posted at the MLP website ( and on this page below ). We ’ ve worked to standardize this timeline so that each year you will consistently receive alerts and late reminders . Please be sure that the MLP office has both up-to-date email and mailing addresses for you so that messages about your MCLP recertification status can be delivered .
Do you have what it takes to become an MCLP ?
If you ... have a passion for plants and the green industry ... have a wide range of knowledge in industry-related topics ... want to grow your business with knowledge-backed credentials ... are a lifelong learner the MCLP Program is the next step for you !
If you ’ re looking for credits , MLP is offering a safety webinar for the rest of 2023 . Several credits will also be available at the September 27 Fall Field Day . I look forward to seeing many of you then !
Warm regards for a productive summer season !

Katie Merrifield

Katie Merrifield , MCLP Committee Chair
The MCLP exam covers : Plant Biology Soil Science Turf Management Plant Health Care Construction Management Plant Installation Plant , Tree and Shrub Identification Insect , Pest and Disease Identification
The MCLP Study Guide takes you through all the information you need to know to succeed on the exam . Order it today ! The next exam is on November 3 , 2023 and it is not too early to start preparing .
Raise the bar , raise the standard , raise your results !
MLP Newsline | Summer 2023 11