Chris Connors , MCLP Schumacher Companies West Bridgewater , MA
Miriam Hellweg , MCLP A Blade of Grass , Sudbury , MA
SECRETARY / TREASURER Andy McDuff , MCLP Landscape America , Inc ., Wrentham , MA
Johnny Kwasek , MCLP John Anthony ’ s Landscape Roslindale , MA
Karen Kerr , MCLP Harrison McPhee , Inc ., Millis , MA
M . Virginia Wood Peggy Benjamin Kristen Dreyer Carrie Martin Charissa Sharkey
MALP NEWSLINE is a publication of the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals , Inc .
MALP NEWSLINE is published four times a year for the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals ( MALP ) and is distributed free of charge to members . The purpose of the newsletter is to disseminate information to promote general standards and ethics in landscape contracting , as well as to foster research and share knowledge with its members . MALP is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to communications between its membership and the industry . MALP believes the information in this publication to be accurate as of its publication date and is not responsible for inadvertent errors . The MALP and Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professional ( MCLP ) logos are trademarks of the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals , Inc . Qualified MALP members and certified members only are permitted to utilize the logo . Logos for MALP and MCLP are available through the MALP office .
EDITORIAL Readers are encouraged to submit articles , announcements , review of products , or letters . Address correspondence to the attention of the MALP Newsletter Editor at the address below .
ADVERTISING For advertising rates and information , contact Carrie Martin at cmartin @ MLP-MCLP . org or at the MALP phone number below . Ads may be submitted as high-resolution pdf files . Discounted advertising rates are available to MALP members .
Hello MALP Members and Happy Spring ?!?
March has officially become my least favorite month of the year which I never thought could be possible . I love all seasons ! Between the missed forecasting , rain and cold mixed with a few glimmers of hope , I know we are all eager to start the 2024 landscape season after another uneventful winter season .
We started off the year with a great February dinner meeting - talking turfgrass with Scott Mackintosh from Atlantic Golf and Turf . Very interesting . Our job of combating insect and disease issues is continually changing . Scott made us aware of the restrictions we can expect in the future when we look at how our counterparts in Europe are being regulated . The “ landscape ” certainly is evolving .
Our March 19 meeting with the Massachusetts Arborists Association was a somber , yet enlightening , look at how we can address mental health and substance use issues in the workplace . It was evident to me that we , as the green industry , are all in this together . We can learn a lot when we share experiences with our colleagues .
Your MALP board of directors and committee members have embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process designed to boost member experiences and bolster programming . We cannot do this without you . Please keep an eye out for communication that will let us know what makes you tick : education ? hands on training ? business building ? networking ? Let us hear from you !
I look forward to seeing you at the next MALP event !
Chris Connors , MCLP President
DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MALP .
Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals 67 West Street • Medfield , MA 02052 phone : 508.653.3373 info @ mlp-mclp . org • MLP-MCLP . org
MALP Newsline | Spring 2024 3