Newsletters | St John's Primary Academy Newsletter - 9th June 2017 | Page 2

Office Staff

Following the recent recruitment process we are pleased to inform you that Emma Joyce and Vicky Woodberry have been appointed to the vacant positions in the office.

St. John’s is of course committed to maintaining excellent communication with parents and dealing quickly and efficiently with any questions or issues that may arise. We are confident that both Emma and Vicky will continue to support us in this goal and provide a friendly and welcoming face for parents visiting the office.

We would also like to place on record our thanks to Sophie Lockley who helped in the office during this transition period. Sophie will now continue to balance working in Eagles with her college studies.

Uniform Reminder

We would like to remind you that we are rapidly approaching the deadline to ensure uniform delivery before the start of next term. All orders received before Friday June 23rd will give enough time for the printers to produce and return to us any items purchased.

The best way of submitting orders remains the online Agora system which can be accessed from the website. Any parents requiring further information or help with setting up the online system can contact the office staff.

Year 6

We would like to remind parents that the Leavers photograph is scheduled for the morning of Tuesday 13th June.

The Leavers’ Assembly will take place on Tuesday 25th July at 1.45 pm. In the interests of fairness and to ensure all safety requirements are met only 2 tickets per pupil will be available. These tickets will be free of charge and will be distributed to the pupils later this term.

Maternity News

Another member of the teaching staff has informed us that she is pregnant. Claire Curran who teaches in Year 2 is expecting her first child in the Autumn and will remain with us until October half term. We of course all offer her our congratulations.