Newsletters | St John's Primary Academy Newsletter - 8th September 2017 | Page 2


Can I welcome everyone to the new academic year, particularly those parents who are joining us for the first time. We hope that St. John’s will continue to be successful and we value your support in helping us provide the best education we possibly can.

I would like to stress that we aim to be as approachable as ever and encourage parents to contact us with any concerns they may have. Information will continue to be shared with you through the website and through our twitter feed

@stjohns_eagle and Facebook page (St John's Primary Academy).

In the event of you needing to contact us directly please don’t hesitate to e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] As always our staff will endeavour to answer any questions you have and work in an effective partnership with yourselves.


We are currently recruiting for a number of part time posts in our Eagles facility. Adverts for these post will be available on the Future Generation Trust ( and School websites from Monday 11th September.

One of the positions is for an administrative assistant with a background in finance to work 3 hours each weekday morning. The other position is in the after school club from 3.15pm until 5.45pm.

Anyone wishing to discuss any aspect of these jobs please contact Julie Burns, head of Finance and HR , [email protected]

Water Bottles

The benefits of children being well hydrated are well documented and it is generally accepted that it helps children to be healthy while also supporting their learning. For this reason we have water dispensers throughout the building which provide chilled, filtered water for the children to use.

As you can appreciate having a large number of children with bottles in the room does present some issues with storage and spillage. We have therefore found that the best way for pupils to access these dispensers is with a small 500 ml sports lid bottle which they can then have readily available in the classroom to use throughout the day. To support this system we do offer water bottles at £1 from the office which children can reuse after rinsing out.

Parents are of course welcome to purchase other water bottles which can be used in the classroom with the proviso that they are transparent and have a sports lid. Other containers which are bulky or not transparent can be kept in the school bags for use during break times.