Newsletters | St John's Primary Academy Newsletter - 5th May 2017 | Page 3

Eagles Summer Club

The Eagles Governor Committee has agreed to offer summer holiday day care again this year.

The summer club will be run by our own Sports Coach, Mark Corbett and staffed by people who have worked with us in previous years.

The dates the club will be operating are as follows.

Wednesday 26th July to Friday 28th July

Monday 31st July to Friday 4th August

Monday 7th August to Friday 11th August

Monday 14th August to Friday 18th August

It is also our intention to organise a number of excursions during these weeks.

Full details and booking forms will be available shortly in a brochure that will be sent to each parents and published on our website

The cost per day will remain at £15.

British Values

A new British Values section has been added to our website under the Parents section. The information there includes a short video and an explanation of how St. John’s promotes British Values. We believe our academy does share the values that have been identified by the Government as something they see as essential to the future harmony and prosperity of the country.

I hope everyone will take a few minutes to see our video and read the information.