Newsletters March 2014 | Page 3

3 WORKING BEE PAINTS CLUBHOUSE A big effort was put in one Sunday morning in February to get the front of the clubhouse painted. A team of 10 members scraped, sanded and painted to get the job done. The main effort was by our group of regular social members, headed up by professional painter Ty Newton. He brought all his gear for the job – drop sheets, scrapers, sanders, cans and brushes. The other social members were Alan Birkett, Brian Emmerton, Simon Moore, Les Fawkes and Ken Smith. They were supported by Curley Petersen, Warwick Moody, Steve Lawrence and John Lewis. A lovely cooked breakfast with tea and coffee was served up by Kay Gesch and Heather Loynes, which was much appreciated by the workers. All these members are thanked giving up their Sunday morning to help make the clubhouse look a lot smarter. FROM THE LADIES OF MBC A couple of events at other clubs are coming up, and if you would like to play in any event please put your name on the entry form. You’ll find these on the notice board in the Ladies Rest Room. These events are: WEDNESDAY 26 MARCH –1.00 pm start. PALMWOODS LADIES TROPHY DAY ….Mixed Optional Fours (Lady Skip). One game of 21 ends – afternoon tea. Grab a team of 4 (mixed or girls only). THURSDAY 29 MAY - 9.00 am start. - MALENY LADIES FIESTA ….Ladies’/mixed fours…put your name down to play on the booking sheet at the club. 2 games of 15 ends with morning tea & lunch TUESDAY 17 JUNE –8.30 am start– MAPLETON LADIES FIESTA …Ladies’ fours . 2 games of 18 ends, morning tea and lunch. Work on the re-vamp of the Ladies’ rest room is scheduled to commence mid march. It will look great. Happy holiday to Maggie Crowe, who’s off to Tasmania and to the Oldfields/Bennett’s who are sailing around New Zealand. Did I miss anyone else ? ? ? Many thanks to all who have helped with bowls & catering for the functions held at the club since January. Margaret Ginns BOWLER’S TEN COMMANDMENTS • • • • • • • • • • Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s draw shot. Thou shalt not squeal. Thou shalt not gloat upon, nor ridicule, thy brother’s or sister’s wrong bias. Thou shalt not stamp thy foot upon the green after a bad shot. Honour thy bowls secretary and thy selectors. Thou shalt not take the name of thy skipper in vain. Thou shalt not with thy tongue punish the ear of thine adversary. Thou shalt not drag thy feet upon the green. Thou shalt not, with thy presence, clutter the head while thy brothers/sisters, the thirds, deliberate theron. Thou shalt not keep thy fellow players waiting Editor : John Lewis, [email protected] [email protected] 8 Bunya Street, Maleny, 4552 Phone 5494 2335