Newsletters March 2014

1 MALENY BOWLS CLUB INC. NEWSLETTER MARCH 2014 REGULAR BOWLS DAYS IN MARCH Tuesday 4th jackpot pairs/triples 8.00 for 8.30 am. Friday 7th barefoot pairs/scroungers 2.30 for 3.00 pm. ------------------------------------------------------------------Monday 10th two bowl triples 12.00 for 12.30 pm. Tuesday 11th jackpot pairs/triples 8.00 for 8.30 am. Friday 14th barefoot pairs/scroungers 2.30 for 3.00 pm. ------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday 18th jackpot pairs/triples 8.00 for 8.30 am. Friday 21st barefoot pairs/scroungers 2.00 for 2.30 pm. ------------------------------------------------------------------Note change of Friday and Tuesday starting times after Autumn Equinox on 20th March. ------------------------------------------------------------------Monday 24th monthly mixed pairs 12.00 for 12.30 pm. Tuesday 25th jackpot pairs/triples 8.30 for 9.00 am. Friday 28th barefoot pairs/scroungers 2.00 for 2.30 pm. INCREASE IN GREEN FEES Members are advised that the board of management has increased green fees as follows: Monthly mixed pairs $12 Tuesday jackpot pairs/triples $11 Friday barefoot pairs/scroungers $7 for all. These increases take effect from 1st March. They are necessary to help the club to keep pace with rising costs of operation. Support our SPONSORS because they support our club “Maleny Grove…a Live Life Village”. Top of the Range Meats. Sukhothai Restaurant. Watson’s Garage. Each of these businesses donates to the member’s draw every Friday evening. Members have the chance of winning cash, meat or a meal – but you must be present if your number is drawn out! 6.00 pm. (5.30 pm after 20th March). [email protected] 8 Bunya Street, Maleny, 4552 Phone 5494 2335